Because no one should have to crawl

About the Presentation

Learn about the work of mechanical and biomedical engineer, Don Schoendorfer, who left his successful career to use his God-given and MIT-developed engineering talents to help solve the problem of mobility in developing nations. There are over 70 million people in third world countries with mobility related disabilities that will never be able to afford a wheelchair. Don has engineered 3 different wheelchairs, rugged enough for third world terrain, inexpensive enough to mass produce. He is the Founder and President of the Free Wheelchair Mission. The 3 wheelchairs will be present for discussion and inspection. My hope is that this video and discussion will inspire you to volunteer your talents and education to ‘give back’ at some point during your career.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

About the Presenter

George Hage, Occupational Therapist, Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital/St. Luke’s Rehab Hospital (retired)

I worked for 41 years as an occupational therapist at the Elk’s Rehab Hospital and St Luke’s Rehab Hospital, retiring in October 2017. Much of my experience was working with the spinal cord injured patients and designing and building adaptive equipment for the physically disabled. 13 years ago, I founded a volunteer group called Idaho Believes, bringing attention to the needs of the physically disabled in developing countries and raising money for wheelchairs for the Free Wheelchair Misssion (FWM). Our goal is 36,387 wheelchairs, one wheelchair for every seat in Albertson’s stadium. We are over half way there. I have also been a trainer with the FWM, with trips to Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda, Somalia, India and Mexico.