Employee Effectiveness Recruitment Strategies

Employee Effectiveness Recruitment Strategies

Professional Pathways for Teachers (PPfT) is the result of the collaboration between Austin Independent School District, the PPfT Oversight Committee, which consists of teachers, campus administrators, and Education Austin, to design a Human Capital System that blends appraisal, compensation, professional learning, and teacher leadership. PPfT focuses on effective instructional practice and continuous professional growth combined through an appraisal and compensation system based on best practices in evaluation from across the nation. PPfT was designed to reflect Austin ISD’s values and priorities, and provide clear, timely, and actionable feedback, to identify areas of strength and areas for growth and guide professional learning.

Austin ISD teacher compensation is unique in that PPfT Compensation differentiates teacher pay based on overall effectiveness rating, the campus a teacher works on, and any optional professional growth opportunities a teacher chooses to participate in. AISD has incorporated these elements into a system that allows teachers to have ownership of their career development and compensation.

PPfT Compensation is designed to financially incent effective instructional practice and continuous professional growth. PPfT base-salary increases are calculated in addition to any Board-approved salary increases or stipends a teacher may be eligible to earn. PPfT Compensation increases are TRS eligible and are calculated as part of a teacher’s highest-earning years. The PPfT Compensation framework builds the teacher’s base salary through a point system. The points are realized as permanent base-salary increases that may be earned annually.