Campus Testing Coordinator

Since the principal is ultimately responsible for all testing on their campus, it is imperative that the persons were chosen for this role be staff members who are highly trustworthy and reliable. Because of the demanding nature of the job, these staff should be full-time employees. Additionally, due to Senate Bill 179, school counselors should not be assigned the duty of CTC for the SY 21-22- more information about this is here

All CTCs will need to be entered into the Campus Contacts page in the Cloud (see instructions below). If CTC changes occur during the school year, principals will be expected to update their Campus Contacts to reflect those changes. The deadline to designate staff members for the CTC roles in the Cloud Campus Contacts is August 18, 2022.

Systemwide Testing will communicate with the CTC exclusively regarding various assessment administrations, but it should be understood that state assessment administration is complex and should be considered a team effort at the campus level. State assessment administration is not a one-person task. The CTC will also be the primary campus staff contact who will attend district training on behalf of the campus. You will need to designate the following CTC roles for your campus:

Credit by Exam - CBE – MS and HS, ES campuses with CBE needs

Systemwide Testing will provide training and information for the CBE administrations and will order all tests administered through the district. A window has been established for this testing, and campuses can choose the most convenient day(s) to test during that time. There will also be a shorter campus window in the spring. If schools have no CBE testers, then a CBE CTC will not be required for those campuses.

STAAR (3-8) including Interim and other Optional TEA Assessments (Including TEA BOY)– ES and MS only

  • For the STAAR CTC, you should select someone who will be the primary contact for all STAAR (3-8) testing

  • Includes STAAR and STAAR Alternate 2.

  • Also includes any optional assessments through the TEA, i.e. interim assessments or the BOY assessment.

  • STAAR EOC including Interim and other Optional TEA Assessments (Including TEA BOY) – MS and HS only

  • For the EOC CTC, you should select someone who will be the primary contact for all EOC testing,

  • Includes STAAR and STAAR Alternate 2

  • EOC will be offered exclusively online in December and June, so the EOC CTC should be comfortable with the use of technology.

  • Will be trained in the fall prior to the December EOC testing window

  • For middle school, in addition to the STAAR CTC, a person should be designated as the EOC CTC

  • Also includes any optional assessments through the TEA, i.e. interim assessments or the BOY assessment.

TELPAS – All Campuses

  • The TELPAS CTC must be an administrator who has the authority to supervise teachers since they will oversee and monitor the TELPAS rater training progress of individual teachers

  • The TELPAS CTC will work with the STAAR CTC when determining appropriate testing accommodations for students who are English Language Learners.

  • The TELPAS CTC will also attend additional TELPAS security training, online training, general testing procedures, and guidelines in the spring.

  • TELPAS is given exclusively online; consequently, the TELPAS CTC should have a fairly high degree of computer literacy. The TELPAS CTC should assist the STAAR Alternate 2 CTC, if not the same person.

  • The assessment duties for TELPAS should be considered a team effort and others should be recruited to assist the TELPAS CTC as appropriate.

  • Please note: Although the STAAR and TELPAS check-ins will not overlap this year, you should consider selecting two different individuals for these two tasks.

If your campus STAAR/EOC or TELPAS CTC is brand new to Austin ISD or new to the CTC position, Systemwide Testing Specialists will be contacting them to invite them to an orientation with Systemwide Testing for new CTCs. At this orientation, new CTCs will receive a brief training on Austin ISD systems, and we will answer any questions they have.

If you have questions about CTC selection, please email or call me at (512)414-3701.

Instructions for Accessing Campus Contacts in the Cloud:

After logging into the Cloud, choose Administrative Applications from the bottom menu

Once there, click on Campus Contacts and then designate the appropriate staff members.