Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS)

The data that is reported to the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) is used to analyze Texas public education data through data reports, evaluations, Texas Academic Performance Reports/Accountability ratings and funding calculations. Principals are required to attest to the accuracy of the PEIMS records for their campus which includes enrollment, attendance, class schedules, course completions, graduation records, special programs, and economic status.

Principals are also required to complete the PEIMS Monthly Minutes data collection form in the Fall attesting to the total number of minutes their campus will operate each day and are required to assure that eligible professional development (PD) is provided on any day for which PD waiver minutes are claimed. Funding is reduced proportionally for any campus that does not accrue the required 75,600 minutes.

Principals must designate a primary point of contact for PEIMS (Campus PEIMS Contact). This person will disseminate confidential information and will coordinate the collection and validation of PEIMS data.

Principals must also designate a primary point of contact for the Texas Records Exchange System (TREx). TREx is a TEA web-based application for transferring student records electronically between Texas public school districts and charters. By law (TEC 25.002(a-1)), a district must respond to a request for a student record within ten working days. The transfer of student records may not be withheld for any reason. The TREx Contact at the campus is responsible for fulfilling record requests and disseminating incoming student records within the ten-day requirement.

State Reporting to TEA

Austin ISD's State Reporting unit provides Public Education Information Management System and PID Enrollment Tracking data to the Texas Education Agency. Much of the data submitted through PEIMS is used in state and federal accountability calculations and is reported through the Texas Academic Performance Reports. The unit also monitors district- and campus-level compliance with state reporting requirements, monitors the related data validation processes and performance management reports, and manages the Texas Records Exchange and PID Enrollment Tracking systems.