Leadership Framework

The Austin ISD Leadership Framework encompasses the skills and knowledge campus administrators must possess to provide a positive impact on the learning community.


The campus administrator builds, develops, and empowers the school community to ensure that all students engage in authentic high-quality instruction.

1. 1. The campus administrator ensures implementation of daily and long-term planning and delivery of instruction in all classrooms that are relevant, rigorous and aligned with state standards, including college and career readiness standards, and culturally responsive teaching practices.

1. 2. The campus administrator monitors and ensures implementation of high quality, aligned, and culturally responsive instructional practices among teachers and staff that improves performance for all student groups and promotes equitable outcomes for marginalized and underrepresented students.

1. 3. The campus administrator collects, analyzes, and utilizes multiple forms of disaggregated student data to inform instruction, intervention and enrichment, and maximize student growth and achievement for all student groups.

1. 4. The campus administrator ensures relevant and meaningful research-based professional learning with teachers and staff that address the unique socio-cultural needs of individual students and result in effective instructional practice/student growth.


The campus administrator selects, retains and grows a highly effective school community by developing a shared vision and a culture of continuous growth.

2. 1. The campus administrator engages in ongoing professional learning to increase cultural competence in order to recruit and hire diverse staff to promote equitable practices to meet the unique socio-cultural and academic needs of all students.

2. 2. The campus administrator coaches and develops the professional capacity of the teachers and staff by providing opportunities for meaningful, aligned and ongoing professional learning to promote each students academic and social emotional success.

2. 3. The campus administrator develops and empowers teachers and staff to share ownership and responsibility for the school’s vision and goals for equitable outcomes.

2. 4. The campus administrator uses observation and feedback to build teacher capacity in an established growth and development model, and uses the district standard rubrics/forms and processes to analyze teacher observation data and calibrate across the campus leadership team.


The campus administrator implements systems that align with the district and school’s vision by reflecting on results, maximizing resources, establishing and implementing shared accountability, and ensuring effective management.

3. 1. The campus administrator collects disaggregated data, identifies problems, analyzes root causes, and develops and monitors effective strategies to resolve issues.

3. 2. The campus administrator leads strategic change that continuously elevates and sustains high-quality educational programs and opportunities directed at improving student outcomes.

3. 3. The campus administrator develops and utilizes a strategic plan to guide decision-making and adjusts accordingly.

3. 4. The campus administrator responsibly allocates and monitors financial resources, complies with all state and federal laws and district policies and procedures and exhibits professional standards of attendance, behavior, and actions across the campus and district.


The campus administrator leads equitably by implementing a student centered vision that is positive, inclusive, and develops the whole child while meaningfully engaging students, families, and community members.

4. 1. The campus administrator fosters and sustains a culture of empowerment and continuous improvement that recognizes and responds to the voices and perspectives of a diverse school community, where all cultures, identities, developmental levels, languages, etc. are celebrated.

4. 2. The campus administrator ensures an identity safe, welcoming, and inclusive school community that supports all students’ intellectual and social emotional development, through multi-tiered systems of support, that foster mutual respect and collaboration, demonstrates empathy, and promotes acceptance.

4. 3. The campus administrator models a comprehensive school-wide approach to culture and climate systems that are clear, equitable, and aligned to district expectations.

4. 4. The campus administrator communicates with parents/families/caregivers regarding students’ academic and social-emotional strengths and areas for growth, and solicits and is receptive to diverse viewpoints in order to promote equitable decision-making.