Welcoming Environment

The first impression of your campus is vital. Use the checklist below each month to ensure your campus is “guest ready” at all times. Ask a close friend or professional colleague (from outside your staff) to serve as a “secret shopper” for critical feedback.

Building Entrance

  • Ensure the front entrance is clearly visible from the exterior either through signage, structure, landscape, pathway or other methods.

  • Position a welcome sign (in several languages) near the front door.

  • Properly place prominent signs directing guests to sign in at the office; make sure the sign is visible in/near the parking lot and as soon as you enter the building.

  • Place staff photos with names near the entrance to allow students, staff and guests to become familiar with the staff.

  • Clearly mark the school day hours and office hours.

  • Have a bulletin board with community and school information that is bright and well maintained.

Main Office

  • Ensure that the main office is organized.

  • Ensure signage at all entrances clearly directs parents and visitors of school protocols and directions to the main office.

  • Maintain a waiting area in or near the main office with adult-size furniture.

  • Immediately greet all people who come into the office.

  • Staff the office with people who speak languages that reflect students, families, and the school community.

  • Ensure Rapter visitor check-in system is operational each morning.

  • Ask parents and guests to sign in.

  • Provide name badges to guests that indicate they are a parent, volunteer, guest, or other.

  • Staff should inform the office when parents or other guests will be visiting, so they are prepared to greet the visitors and direct them to their destination.

Throughout the Building

  • Place signage throughout the building for directions to frequently visited areas such as the cafeteria, restrooms, library, meeting rooms, etc.

  • Mark all rooms with names or numbers for easy navigation.

  • Visibly display student work and commit to changing displays regularly so that all students get time in the spotlight; all student work displayed should include the academic standard being taught. Student work should be no older than 2 weeks.

  • Staff should have identification badges visible at all times.

  • Staff should greet all visitors, guests, etc. to inquire if assistance is needed as well.

  • Make sure hallways, classrooms, and restrooms are well lit, free of debris and clutter, and inviting.