
It is important to create a philosophy and campus management plan as a principal. Both should be shared with the staff annually with an explanation of "the why". The Office of Student Discipline Standards and Accountability provides leadership, support, and resources to assist all Austin ISD campuses in having an orderly, safe, and conducive learning environment.

Important Roles of the Office of Student Discipline

  • Ensure all Austin ISD schools comply with TEA requirements in reporting accurate PEIMS/Discipline Data; communicate updated TEA requirements for Chapter 37 PEIMS.

  • Ensure that all PEIMS 425 Discipline Data is submitted to TEA as required by state statutes.

  • Ensure all discipline data is correct for summer submission for the TEA PEIMS report.

  • Run and manage the Student Discipline System; electronic referrals for the Chapter 37 – Safe Schools Data.

  • Offer recommendations on best practices regarding discipline issues that occur on school campuses.

  • Responsible for all discipline data requests for Superintendent, Assoc. Supt., Ex. Directors, Board of Trustees, school administrators, and other departments within the district.

  • Provide support and coordinate with schools that require additional resources and concerns for students who violate the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Process and provide student discipline data/records for Public Information requests, Office of Civil Rights, and appropriate district personnel upon request.

  • Provide Student Code of Conduct presentations/training for district personnel, staff, teachers, campus administrators, parents, and community organizations upon request.

  • Provide leadership and training to district principals, teachers, and parents in matters relating to student discipline.

  • Ensure that the discipline process/procedures for students receiving services under Special Education and Section 504 comply with federal regulations.

  • Conduct student discipline appeal hearings as required.

Discipline Administrator Practices

  • Develop and monitor supervision (duty) plan before, during, and after school.

  • Develop a clear and consistent discipline plan and enforce the execution of the plan with fidelity; ensure the plan is shared with all administrators.

  • Ensure that every adult on campus knows the supervision (duty) and discipline plan.

  • Ensure that everyone executes the supervision (duty) and campus discipline plan and consistently communicates/reinforces the campus plan with students.

  • Ensure that discipline referral data is entered weekly.

  • Include referring teacher information on discipline entries when applicable.

  • Analyze referrals/other discipline data for recurring patterns and revise plans, including holding crucial conversations with staff to resolve problem areas.

  • Ensure that all staff writes only factual information on referrals.

  • Remind staff that all documentation can be requested (ORR) or subpoenaed.

  • Speak to parents in addition to sending the written referral (document conversation).

  • Leave emotions and opinions out of the statements.