Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct: Plan to carve out time to review the entire code of conduct with staff, focusing especially on the CIP goal for discipline in the meeting. Consider focusing on the process to look specifically at marginalized groups to ensure equity. The district's Scorecard Goal for discipline is:

  • Goal 7: Disparity in Africanā€American student disciplinary actions (ISS, OSS, Discretionary Removal) will decrease from 19% to =%population by August 20, 2026. (source: PEIMS)

  • Goal 8: Disparity in special education student disciplinary actions (ISS, OSS, Discretionary Removal) will decrease from 30.24% to =%population by August 20, 2026. (source: PEIMS)

The Administrative Discipline Procedures Blend Course offers more resources for administrators. It should be referred to for discipline decisions made by campus administrators. If you need help accessing it, please email

2022-2023 Student Code of Conduct (Discipline Manual).pdf