SEL and CP&I

The SEL and Cultural Proficiency and Inclusiveness department has adopted a new statement of purpose for our work together. Our goal is to use and grow our social and emotional skills while creating brave, respectful, collaborative spaces to support all students, staff, families and communities throughout our district.

Each campus has an assigned SEL and CP&I specialist who supports implementation on campus by observing practices and giving feedback to educators and leaders, co-creating lessons with teachers, and integrating SEL skills and CP&I concepts into academic instruction. Specialists work closely with campus administration and facilitators to develop equity-centered goals and action plans with the steering committee. Together, the team also provides campus and district-wide SEL and CP&I focused professional learning opportunities.

Each campus should assign two facilitators for the year. Facilitators must meet certain guidelines and expectations.

SEL-CP&I Support Contacts 2021-22