Information Systems for Support and Professional Learning

The AISD Instructional Playbook provides teachers research-based strategies that can be easily implemented on a daily basis. These strategies are directly aligned to the PPfT Instructional Practice Rubric that supports effective teaching and learning. Each of the strands and indicators lists a description and strategies/resources. 

The learning platform that provides asynchronous learning opportunities for professional learning and development for district staff members. 

Austin ISD's Human Capital Platform is a comprehensive, web-based system designed to provide information to all AISD staff about Professional Development Opportunities and Annual Appraisals. The information is tailored to each individual user based on his or her current position.

Frontline is the primary student information system (SIS) system that houses student demographic and special program identification, grades and attendance for students.  It is also where campus staff logs absences and requests subs and where campus administrators log walkthroughs for PPfT evaluations. 

SchoolCIty is the resources to use in order to review and monitor campus and student level data for formative and summative assessment results, historical assessment information, enrollment demographics by campus and sub-population, and reporting requirements. on-line assessment platform for schools to utilize to administer short-cycle assessments.  The data is available the same day within the platform to assist with data meetings and professional learning community planning.  It provides educators with demographic information, curriculum tools, and current and historical assessment data for use in an inquiry-based process for the continuous improvement of teaching and learning. 

The AISD Dashboard is the hub for important apps, websites, and resources for AISD employees.