Campus Improvement Plan

For detailed information, please see the School Improvement Planning

Campus Needs Assessment (CNA) 

State and federal law both outline the requirement for schools to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) as part of the planning and decision-making process. 

The campus needs assessment will be completed in a Google document and attached to the Campus Improvement Plan.

Campus Instructional Plan (CIP) 

Each school year the principal of each campus, with the assistance of the Campus Advisory Council, must develop, review and revise the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP). The purpose of this plan is to improve student performance on the state’s student achievement indicators for all student populations, as well as improve performance on any other performance measures for special needs populations. The campus improvement plan is supportive of the objectives of the district's Strategic Plan.

PlanWorks is the stand-alone system in the District for entering, monitoring and assessing the campus instructional plans.

The Campus Improvement Plan:

The Effective Schools Framework

The Effective Schools Framework consists of a set of district commitments and, for schools, essential actions. District Commitments describe what local education agencies do to ensure that schools are successful. The Essential Actions describe what the most effective schools do to support powerful teaching and learning.