Our Library

We all know how valuable reading is as part of young people’s literacy development. Amongst other things, reading…

improves comprehension develops vocabulary improves memory

builds confidence enhances writing skills broadens horizons

makes you more empathetic drives up independence improves mental health

An excellent ability to read also enables students to access the full curriculum and perform in their exams.


We already have a number of reading interventions and initiatives in place and, over the next few years, we want to further develop Greensward’s reading culture.


That is why we have a library fund as we really want to ensure that our library is an exciting, modern and enticing place for students to spend time relaxing, learning and encountering amazing ideas.  In the light of challenges with funding, we are hoping that some of you may be able to spare some money to help us fund a substantial restock of our library.  Even £1 from half of our parents would enable us to purchase a new set of texts, specifically for students with literacy challenges.  If you are able to donate, please do so via ParentPay - where you will see a link to the library fund.  All donations are greatly appreciated.


Alternatively, we would also be very grateful to receive any new and nearly-new books which you may be willing to donate.  Please simply drop to reception any donations which we may suitably use in the library, classroom book boxes or give to students who do not have ready access to books at home.

Here is a recommended book list which as well as children's books, does include titles such as Dracula, Brighton Rock and Catcher in the Rye.  If you have any of the books on the list and feel that you could donate them, please also drop them into school.  

We have created a Wish List on Amazon where the books on the above list can be purchased.  https://amzn.eu/a0UGknI