Equality & Diversity

Greensward is committed to meeting its responsibilities in relation to the Equality Act of 2010 and aims to uphold the three main elements of the Act:

Over the course of the academic year students will have assemblies on a range of themes associated with raising the profile of equality and diversity.  Not only do we as a academy have a legal duty to promote the ideals of equality and diversity in light of the Equality Act 2010 but we have a moral duty to prepare our students for a world that is far more diverse than the academy or its immediate locality.  Themes covered will include looking at differences and perceptions based on race, religion, gender, class, sexuality and ability/disability.

Many of these topics are further explored in areas of the curriculum including History, RE, Sociology, Health & Social Care and PSHE.    The main aim of this focus is to encourage discussion and to raise awareness of difference, since ignorance and fear are often at the basis of hatred. 

Our Equal Opportunities for Students and Race Quality Policies can be viewed here

Personal, Social, Health Education

Aspects of the curriculum that promote tolerance and friendship, or which share understanding of a range of religions or cultures are covered in the PSHE programme.   The curriculum outline for PSHE can be viewed here.   

Equalities Objectives

The agreed AET Equalities Objectives can be viewed here

Disabled Access 

There is disabled access on the ground floor of the academy with lifts on the ground floor of C block and on the front of the Sports Hall to allow access to all areas in the academy above ground floor.  There are disabled toilet facilities in various locations around the academy.  There are designated disabled parking bays.  

The Public Sector Equality Duty Annual Statement can be viewed here