Mental Health and Well-being

The emotional and physical health and well being of all members of Greensward Academy are fundamental within the ethos of the school where learning can flourish, enabling pupils to become independent responsible citizens. We believe that pupils who are mentally healthy will be able to:

    • Develop psychologically, emotionally, creatively, intellectually and spiritually

    • Become aware of others and empathise with them

    • Sustain personal relationships

    • Develop a sense of right and wrong

    • Face challenges, resolve issues and setbacks and learn from them

    • Develop resilience, resourcefulness and capacity to work collaboratively

We are always here to help and support our students, parents and staff when they are struggling. We can often provide direct support or in the event where more in-depth support is required we can signpost or refer in the right direction.

Support services available for students and families can be found here.

Below is a parents’ guide entitled ‘Uniquely Me’ which equips parents with the necessary materials to help them teach their children about the importance of confidence and a healthy body image. Parents can nurture their children's self-esteem at home and help them live up to their full potential. The guide contains:

  • Expert advice

  • Self-esteem-boosting activities

  • Action checklists

... and lots more to get this important conversation started and help enhance your child's wellbeing.

Uniquely Me - Parent Guide.pdf