Student Well Being

Personal Development and Welfare Vision 

To create an aspirational and nurturing environment which develops our students socially and emotionally, into remarkable young people.

Values, Respect, Dignity and Equity

Well being means how we think about ourselves, our feelings and our lives.  This can mean feeling comfortable, healthy, positive or happy.  However there are times we may not feel this way for many reasons.  At these times we may choose to look for help and support 

At Greensward Academy we are fully committed to the well being of our students.  We consider well being to be central to positive learning outcomes and a healthy and happy school experience.  Therefore, we attempt to embed emotional and behavioural well being and positive relationships throughout academy life.  Students have access to mentoring, peer mediation, tutoring and much more.  We also engage with external agencies such as counsellors, The Children's Society and targeted youth support.  Our year group pastoral teams ensure pastoral care is a priority and a strength at Greensward Academy. 

Due to the importance of confidentiality for young people, parental consent is not specifically obtained for all services.  Should you wish your child not to engage with any services, please contact us.  

Gillick competence is a term originating in England and is used in medical law to decide whether a child, 16 years or younger, is able to consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge.  If a child is 13 and over and presents as Gillick competent, they would be entitled to decide which services they would like to access without parental consent. 

Greensward Academy is not affiliated with, nor recommends, any specific services or organisations, rather we aim to signpost to information and organisations that may be able to offer help or support and outline what is available.  

At Greensward we are committed to ensuring that all students who are young carers are identified and supported effectively. If you think your child might be a young carer please let us know.

Wellbeing Wednesdays 

Our student mental health champions run a Wednesday Wellbeing Club for our students.  View their video here to find out what it is all about.