Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Our Curriculum Vision 

At Greensward Academy we believe that providing a broad, rich and deep range of learning experiences is essential for the development of the young people who study with us.  A well-planned, personalised curriculum delivered through excellent teaching is integral in inspiring each and every child to choose a remarkable life.  


We define the curriculum as:

Teaching and learning is understood as:

Beliefs and Ethos

Overall, we believe that a well-designed curriculum is essential in tackling educational disadvantage. Our rationale is founded on the following ten principles:


Our curriculum reflects the requirements of the secondary national curriculum. We expect that students will learn the curriculum:

Curriculum Development 

Development of the curriculum is strategically led by the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Vice-Principal with the support of the Teaching and Learning team.  Regular training is provided for a range of staff in order to specify intent, improve implementation and maximise impact. 

The Vice-Principal ensures that in every subject area and for every year group, Directors and Teaching and Learning Leaders develop Curriculum Overviews which detail a summary of the intended learning. These working documents are available as part of a directory on the academy website

The Vice-Principal also quality assures the Schemes of Learning which detail:

Every Scheme of Learning sets out a model for progression, detailing the endpoints which must be mastered by all students and outlining the methods by which impact will be measured. 

A considerable amount of staff directed time is led by Middle Leaders and attended by staff with the sole purpose of exploring the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum on learners. Guiding the focus of these meetings are three main questions: