Advice for Students
Some good advice to protect yourself online
Don’t put up with abusive texts, videos or photos. They are against the law. Tell someone. Don’t send anything abusive or join in with anything abusive – you could be reported for harassment.
Never reveal personal details or feelings online – you can never be sure of the true identity of the person you are speaking to.
‘Catfishing’, ‘fake accounts’ and ‘cyberbullying’ can happen to anyone. Tell someone.
Uploaded pictures last forever. Deleting them does not remove them. Anyone can screenshot any image. Don’t risk future embarrassment or worry.
It is illegal to have an indecent image stored on your phone, even an image of yourself.
It is illegal to share such pictures with or without consent.
If you have made a mistake and sent something you regret, then tell an adult in school and they will support you.
Think before you click!
Never share passwords (9&zH4m@# = good password / Louis1 = not so good).
Speak to an adult if someone you meet online suggests meeting up.
Say it out loud before you post it. If you wouldn't want someone to hear it, don't post it.
Don't reply to rude messages. Ignore the sender or block them.
Repeated abusive messages is cyberbullying.
Don't respond or retaliate. Block, save, report.
Don't answer withheld or unknown numbers, let them go to voicemail.
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Are you worried about online safety?
If you need immediate help or have a real emergency, call 999. Otherwise, has someone or something made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe online? If yes, talk to someone you trust - an adult in your family, your school base, your form tutor or another member of staff.
Report to CEOP who can help and protect you if someone has acted inappropriately online towards you or someone you know. It could be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone asking to meet up.