Inclusion, Enrichment & SEND


The majority of students' needs are met within the mainstream curriculum, but some children require additional help. The Learning Support Department, led by our SENCo, Mr M Aitken, liaises with parents, staff and outside support agencies as well as other professionals to respond to such needs. Targets will be set in agreement with staff, parents and the child, and the individual learning plans drawn up and put into place. Provision may come in a variety of forms and may include individual or small group help in different subject lessons and/or help being provided in a separate room. The plans will be monitored and reviewed as appropriate and parents will be kept informed. Year 7 students have access to an on-line spelling booklet which they can use to help improve their spelling in all subjects of the curriculum, and can continue to use in Years 8 and 9.

All students are challenged to fulfil their potential in all areas of the curriculum. Our most able students are 'stretched' in top sets or provided with differentiated work to meet their individual needs. They are offered a range of enrichment and extension activities. This includes tasks to broaden or deepen skills and understanding, investigation and problem-solving activities. They are offered the opportunity to participate in residential courses planned to extend their particular skills and abilities and Gifted and Talented Workshops have been held in the summer break as well as during term time.

Specialist coaching is offered to students demonstrating particular sporting and/or artistic talent, giving them the opportunity to achieve excellence.

Our SEND arrangements and information report can be viewed here.


Our assemblies and tutor time activities cover a whole host of topics from current affairs to religious and self belief.

Citizenship is delivered in Year 7-11 through the PSHEE programme. The programme develops students' attitudes towards subjects, teaches them knowledge and encourages them to become active citizens in a multi cultural society. Local, national and global issues are covered such as:

  • the environment

  • how local and national government works

  • the influence of the media on society

  • why we vote

  • fundraising

  • law and order

  • racism and discrimination

  • equal opportunities

Complaints about SEND provision

We urge parents with any concerns regarding the SEN policy or the provision made for their child to speak to us as soon as possible. In the first instance, please speak to the class teacher or the SENDCO. If parents feel their child's needs are still not being met they should make an appointment to see the Headteacher/Principal or SEND governor.

If concerns are still unresolved parents may wish to use the local Information, Advice and Support Service for Special Educational Needs and Disability (see the SEND Responsibilities and Contacts form on the Statutory Information page of each academy website) or engage with the procedures explained in the AET Complaints policy.