
At Greensward Academy we care for each individual student, helping them to achieve their potential in all areas of academy life.  We want them to feel happy and secure in an ordered and caring environment that encourages and celebrates success.  

How we group our students

Each year group from Year 7 to 11 is divided into form groups of approximately 28 students, containing boys and girls of all social and ability levels and from various partner primary schools.  

In Year 7, where possible, new students are placed with other students from their primary schools to give them confident while they may new friends.  New students in other years are placed in form groups after full consultation with parents. 

The Form Tutor will get to know their students closely and will move through the academy with the students, know each student as an individual, be the first point of contact for referral or praise, monitor progress inside and outside the classroom, including homework, deliver the PSHEE programme.

The Head of Year will oversee the role of the Form Tutor, offering support, guidance and direction when needed. There is a static Head of Year 7 to support the transition process who will spend some time getting to know the children in their primary schools.  The Head of Year will move through the academy with the year group, engender a sense of unity and teamwork, monitor behaviour, monitor attendance and lateness, monitor the progress of the year group including those with special educational needs and disabilities. 

The Directors of Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form have responsibility for overseeing the monitoring of academic progress of all students.  Each Director has specific responsibilities for their year groups. 

The Vice Principal, Pastoral has overall responsibility for the students at the academy.  

A copy of our Home School Agreement can be viewed here.  

The Academy Day

The academy follows a 5 period day with a mid-morning and lunch break.  The academy has a two week timetable:  Week A, Week B.

Assemblies are held every morning for separate year groups and cover topics such as keeping safe, standards and expectations, reflection, equality, freedom and prejudice, disability awareness, religious understanding and tolerance, sexual orientation and gender, class and diversity.

Dress Code

We believe good standards of dress promote a positive attitude to work and behaviour and identify students to local residents and future employers as members of an efficient organisation. The co-operation of all parents/carers is requested to ensure that students are in correct uniform on their way to and from the Academy as well as during normal school hours. Please note that Greensward Academy makes the final decision as to what is or is not acceptable in all aspects of a student's appearance.

Full details of our dress code can be found here

Attendance Matters 

Students who maintain good records of attendance will be both recognised and rewarded. Attendance Ted has now been introduced to Key Stage 3 and is proving very successful.

The academy looked at the GCSE results from 2013 and the following shows how good attendance can impact upon these:

All students are expected to achieve an attendance rate of a minimum of 95%. If you are unwell and unable to attend the Academy for the day, please make sure your parent/carer contacts our Attendance Team by telephone or email: by 9.00am at the latest, on that day and on any subsequent days that you may be unwell and unable to attend.

Morning registration starts at 8.30am and finishes at 8.55am. Any student who fails to get a mark, and for whom we have no explanation for absence, will trigger a text alert to parents that will require a response. Therefore, in order to prevent this, please ensure that you are in school, on time, every day. Holidays in term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.