Personal Safety

Stay Safe - Common Sense Approach

  • Try to walk home with at least one other person
  • Stick to main roads which are well lit
  • Have emergency contact numbers in your phone to dial quickly if necessary
  • Never accept lifts, even from other young people
  • Never accept drugs or alcohol, even from other young people
  • Tell an adult at school if something is wrong - it doesn't matter how small or big you think the issue is - we will help find a solution


Grooming is when another person tries to get to know you better and gain your trust for bad reasons. Anyone can be groomed. You could be groomed to do illegal activities, for sexual reasons or simply to do things you would rather not do. You might be offered money, gifts or special attention. You might then be forced to keep secrets. If you feel worried about anyone's power over you or start to feel uncomfortable about a situation, then tell an adult at school.

Tell someone = it breaks any power over you

There may be times when you feel that your personal safety is at risk. The links below may provide you with information and support.

Women's Aid have created this space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action.

The NSPCC helpline offers advice and information on all aspects of child abuse including female genital mutilation.

You can talk to Childline about any problem you are worried about. They are available 24 hours a day and can talk to you in confidence. The number won't appear on your phone bill. You can call them for free on 0800 1111 or visit their website.

Barnardos is a charity who offer advice on all kinds of abuse but also advise any young person who is experiencing sexual exploitation or are at risk of experiencing it.