Advice for Young People - A Directory

Life as a teen is by no means easy and here at Greensward Academy we fully recognise that no period of your life comes close to being as difficult as your teenage years. Everything is changing both physically and emotionally and yet you are thrust into the most intense situations of your young life, discovering heartbreak, anxiety, low self esteem and peer pressure along the way. Whilst we are always available to talk to, there might be some questions that you find difficult to ask.

The following website is an excellent resource provided by the NHS to help with some of those more tricky situations you might come across.

Health for Teens introduces a new and different way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health by the NHS.

In addition to this site, we have put together this list of external websites that can help you with advice for students access for support and information.

These are trusted and informative websites with advice that we also follow in school. We may introduce our students to these websites as part of their PSHEE or Tutor Time Programme. Parents may speak to their child's Form Tutor or Head of Year for support.