Useful Information

Parent Pay

Click here to access ParentPay. ParentPay allows you to pay money directly into your child's account through an on line process thereby reducing the amount of money that your child needs to carry on a daily basis. This system will also be available for the payment of trips and visits. Each user has their own unique log in and password and you will be able to view the status of your child's account as well as any transactions made. Please note that there is a minimum transaction value of £3.00. If you require any further information on this please contact Mrs T Maynard in our Finance Department ( on 01702 202571 ext 1207.

Email Guidance

Since much of the communication between the academy and parents/carers is now conducted by email, the academy has produced the guidance below.

Email Guidance Rationale for Parents and Carers.pdf

Essex Educational Psychology Service

The Essex Psychology (EP) Service Parent Helpline is offering direct access for parents and carers of children and young people up to the age of 19 years in Essex. The Parent Helpline and Parent Consultations are confidential and staffed by qualified educational psychologists who will listen to your concerns and help you to find a positive way forward.

The EP Helpline can be contacted on 01245 433293 every Monday between 1.00pm and 5.00pm during term time. Parent Consultations will be held monthly and can be booked through the South Area Office on 01268 632376.

For further information please speak to the Educational Psychology Service on 01245 436564 or via email on

Parentline Plus

Parentline Plus is a national charity that provides help and support to Parents/Carers. It is a free and confidential service that provides parental groups and workshops as well as information leaflets. It deals with lots of the issues related to teenage misbehaviour. You can contact them on 0808 800 22 22 or via their website:

Short Breaks for Disabled Children

Please click on this link to view the brochure of short breaks and activities that Essex Council Council have on offer for disabled children.

Supply Map For Children's Services In Essex

A new document containing information about the children's service provision across the whole county is now available to download from the Essex Partnership Portal. The supply map is a reference to easily identify relevant children's provision in their own district.