Absence & Attendance
Attendance Matters
As you are aware your child’s attendance at school is extremely important and is directly linked to their overall attainment. Due to the level of importance surrounding students' attendance, the school takes this very seriously and has procedures in place in order to encourage and support good attendance. Our target as a school and for each student is 96%. Poor attendance can have a significant impact on the progress of each student.
The graphic below throws a spotlight on the impact being absent from school has in terms of missed lessons and ultimately learning. With all the evidence suggesting that those students with attendance of less than 95% being significantly less likely to achieve their academic potential, we ask that parents/carers make every effort to ensure their children come into school.
Our full policy for student attendance can be viewed here.
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, parents must phone as early as possible on each day of absence (01702 202571, option 1) or email attendance@greenswardacademy.org. Please clearly state your child's name and form, dates of absence and the reason for the absence. On their return, parents must put this information in writing to their child's Form Tutor. In the case of extended periods of absence for illness, we may request evidence of medical appointments.
If your child has an appointment during school hours, then parents must provide him/her with a letter containing all the relevant information or email attendance@greenswardacademy.org. Students must report to Reception to sign back in. For everyone's safety the school must be able to find a student at any time during the day and this is why we must have a written record of whether a child is in or out of school.
If you are unsure whether you should keep your child at home, please read this guidance from the NHS.
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 were amended in September 2013. Parents no longer have the right to apply for up to ten days holiday during term time. Head teachers are no longer permitted to grant leave of absence during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The government’s guidance on attendance and absence is being changed so as to deem anyone with less than 90% attendance a ‘persistent absentee’ and therefore under the remit of the Local Authority’s Education Welfare Service. Fixed penalty notices will also be issued for holidays taken in term time even if there are no other absences in the school year. Greater scrutiny will also be given to students who are absent for a period of time, particularly either side of term breaks or when other schools are on holiday.
An application form to request leave of absence during term time can be downloaded here. Once completed, please return to our attendance team.