Unidad 7 La identidad (16)

Essential questions

▼ How do public figures react to fame and its demands?

▼ What basic human needs are satisfied by organized religion?

▼ How does our environment affect how we view ourselves and the world around us?

▼ How is our identity shaped by our racial and cultural heritage?


• La dualidad del ser

• El tiempo y el espacio


• 20th-century societal and cultural

expectations in Spain and Latin America

Estimated Time:

4 weeks


Soledades II, <<He andado muchos caminos>>, Antonio Machado (España)

<<Borges y yo>>, Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina)

<<El sur>>, Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina)

<<San Manuel Bueno, mártir>>, Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (España)

<<Walking Around>>, Pablo Neruda (Chile)

<<Balada de los dos abuelos>>, Nicolás Guillén (Cuba)