Unidad 3 - Temas del Renacimiento y del Barroco (8)

Renacimiento y Barroco

Temas poéticos del Renacimiento y del Barroco

Essential questions

-What does "Siglo de Oro" literature reveal about the Spanish perspective toward life and death?

-What views about male and female roles in society are conveyed in Renaissance and Baroque poetry?


• El tiempo y el espacio

• La construcción del género


• The Renaissance attitude toward art and man

• The Baroque attitude toward art and man

• The role of women in "Siglo de Oro" Spain and the colonies

Estimated Time:

2 weeks


Soneto XXIII «En tanto que de rosa y azucena» (1543) Garcilaso de la Vega (1501, o 1503–1536) (España)

Soneto CLXVI, <<Mientras por competir con tu cabello>>, Luis de Argote y Góngora (España)

Salmo XVII, <<Miré los muros de la patria mía>>, Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (España)

<<Hombres necios que acusáis>>, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (México)


Students compare Sor Juana’s perspective to those of the male Baroque poets they have studied and then discuss which aspects of male–female relationships in 21st-century society are the same as those of the Baroque period, and which are different. The goal of this assessment is to determine whether students understand some of Sor Juana’s ideas on the role of women in society and whether they can compare them to those of her male counterparts of the same period, as well as to their own ideas about gender roles.