Use the "Make a Copy" Trick When Sharing Google Drive Documents

It's easy to make a copy of any document within your own Google Drive account. But what if you want your collaborators to automatically make a copy of a Google Doc when they receive a share link? This is particularly if you want students to copy a doc and write their own comments on it.

Try this tip which utilise a small tweak to the shared URL.

The utility of this neat Google Drive hack isn't quite clear from the title but try it out once and you will see the immediate benefit when collaborating with others on Google Drive.

This method is handy when you want to preserve the original document while giving others the space to edit a copy of the document in their own Drive folder.

It will save them a trip to the File > Make a Copy command and share a copy of a Google Doc in the usual way. Here's how it works.

Share a Copy of a Google Doc Automatically

A typical case is a Google Doc that needs to be filled out individually by each respondent. Collaborators can enter the details in their own copy of the document without corrupting the original.

You won't have to ask them to make a copy. Simply follow these steps and the copy will be made automatically for them.

This hack works on Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.

Copy Google Docs Link

Copy-paste the shared link in an email. Now, delete everything after the forward-slash in the link and insert "copy". Edit this little part of the entire link only part. If you make any other edits, it will show up as an error page for your recipient.

Copied Google Drive URL in email

This is how the new link looks now:

Add "Copy" at the end of a Google Doc sharing URL

Send the email and your work is done. When the recipient clicks on the link, it takes them to their Google Drive screen that prompts them to make a copy of your document.

Make a Copy in Google Docs

When they click Make a copy, a local copy of the document is saved on their Google Drive. Also, the copy is received without the comments if any in the original.