By Saber Hanington  4/28/2022

Students and staff were evacuated from Cony Middle and High School and CATC on Tuesday morning after a bomb threat was received through the Augusta Communications Center. 

The bomb threat was received by the local 911 dispatch, which then informed the Augusta Police Department, who then quickly told the schools, according to Principal Kim Silsby.

Students evacuated the building to the turf field a short distance away from the schools, "out of an abundance of caution," Silsby wrote on the school's Facebook page at 9:58 a.m. on Tuesday. "Students and staff are safe," she wrote.

Officers from the Augusta Police Department and the Maine State Police arrived at the school with the state bomb team. An explosives-sniffing dog named Kora swept the building alongside the police, said Shannon Moss, a state police spokeswoman. 

The threat was determined to be “not credible,” and appears to have been part of a nationwide problem, Moss said. 

Anthony Noftall, a junior, said that he was, “afraid at first, but after about ten minutes I didn’t worry about it(...) I wasn’t sure if it was fake or not.” 

Students were allowed to return to the building at 10:40 a.m. 

The Augusta Police Department is investigating the bomb threat. The Maine Information and Analysis Center, which covers intelligence for the MSP, is also monitoring the threat and communicating in the other states that received similar threats, according to state police. 

At this time, the caller of the bomb threat is unknown.