By Thea Kanaris 1/24/2022

Finals week was stressful for most every student, but it was even more stressful for the students who didn’t know what to expect.

Being a freshman and not knowing what to expect out of finals is scary. Personally, during finals week I tried to think positive everyday to keep the possible outcomes in perspective.

After doing the math, I realized that final exams were only 10 percent of my grade. I realized whatever happens, happens and wouldn't be catastrophic to my overall grade in any class.

Since I have a busy schedule with extracurricular activities, I made sure to schedule time into each day to study. In the back of my mind, I was worried about finals and how they were going to go. At the same time, I knew I was not the only freshman with these feelings. I asked some fellow freshmen about how they were dealing with the stress of finals.

Emma Buccellato, a 9th grader who has a packed schedule, is juggling dance, her duties on a Chizzle Wizzle committee, being in the show and her school work. Needless to say, she has a lot going on. While studying for finals, Emma found worrying too much or putting too much pressure on herself hurt rather than helped her study.

“I try not to worry about it because I have anxiety. If I worry about it too much I’m gonna get in my head about it. I kind of just go with it, but I do get stressed out a lot because I’ve put a lot of pressure on myself,” Buccellato said.

Lauren Tyler, also a 9th grader, found similar ways to cope. Lauren isn’t currently doing any extracurricular activities, but she is balancing studying, chores, school and overall self-care.

Lauren said she dealt with the stress of finals very well by going with the flow and believing in herself along the way. Lauren said she wanted to succeed, so she kept up with her studies while keeping up her confidence.

Both students were coping with the stress of finals by not worrying too much about them and trying to keep a positive attitude throughout. Their schedules may look different but they were both actively trying to deal with their stress and anxiety in some way. They were both prioritizing what they needed to get done.

Finals seemed daunting when they were such a long time away, but as they grew closer I personality grew less scared. I studied and prepared for finals for what seemed like the whole year. I wasn't necessarily ever worried about the outcome, I was just more worried about my path for getting there.

Overall, stress comes and goes, and the only way I find that I can deal with it is by being positive. Next time that you are stressed about finals or even any important test, believe in yourself, put in the work and just go with the flow.