Students dream up the 129th Chizzle Wizzle theme

By Erin Richardson

An onstage slumber party -- complete with blankets and pillows -- helped announce “In Your Dreams” as the theme of the 129th Chizzle Wizzle on November 26.

The executive committee for the 2019-2020 Chizzle Wizzle threw down blankets and pillows before performing a skit focused on dreams and alternate realities that all hinted at the theme of this year’s variety show and dance. At the end, the members all shouted “In Your Dreams.”

“You can really do anything with it. Dreams can be about anything,” said high school junior Leah Mastriano, who will design this year’s program.

Dreams, alternate realities and desires are the focus of this year’s theme. Mastriano said the theme is very open, which creates several different avenues for students to craft performances.

The executive committee took the stage after the last award was announced at the Quarter One Awards assembly. The annual announcement was highly anticipated by the majority of the student body, who were trying to find out if the theme had been leaked before the assembly.

Submissions for the annual pin contest are now open and will close on December 17. All designs must include tamborine, banjo, hat, microphone, year and the theme.

Students have responded positively to the theme and have already started planning skits, music, dances and artwork which could make the 129th Chizzle Wizzle a thing of dreams.