
Belgian Christadelphians

Suffering - Through the Apparent Silence of God


-Through the Apparent

Silence of God

Beverley Russell - June 2006


Forword to this series of articles.

1. About suffering

2. Is God hiding His face when He is seemingly silent?

3. Why does it have to be suffering that leads us to the joy?

4. What do we learn from our suffering?

5. Hope in a future, when there seems no future in suffering

6. When the answer from God is “no” and the suffering continues

7. Are we disappointed with God when we suffer?

8. More than importuning in importuning for our suffering hearts

9. If the answer is “no”, what then does God offer in our suffering?

10. Clear words from God about suffering - creation to the kings

11. Different words from God about suffering - kings to the prophets

12. Jesus answers about God’s apparent silence were still not enough

13. Was the mission of the son of God perceived as a failure?

14. What did the terrible crucifixion do for us in our suffering?

15. How did God instruct the people now about joy and suffering?

16. Our righteous response to God is His reward

17. God’s measure is not our measure

18. Love God and be content with the “no” answer to our suffering

19. Are we satisfied with God’s answer about suffering?

20. We are incomplete without the mind of God in suffering

21. We are surprised by time in our joys and our sufferings

22. Miracles in our time of suffering

23. We are surprised by any joy found in suffering

24. Memories are important in suffering

25. Choices to make in our suffering

26. God’s non answer in our suffering

27. God’s promises to us in our suffering