Week of April 13-17

Hi Fourth Graders!

Here's what you can explore this week. Have fun making music! Click play on the video below for instructions!

Video for Week of April 13-17.webm

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Click on Grade 4. Once you are on the website, follow the directions below.

"Loud/Quiet" Game

On the far right where it says Games, click on "Loud/Quiet Game," and then click start. You'll hear a famous melody. Click on whether it is loud or quiet. Continue until you've finished the game. This is a pretty easy game, but it's fun and I love the melodies it uses!

Send me an email and let me know your score! oldfielda@victorschools.org

This week - check out the Incredibox website! If you go to incredibox.com, you can create some really cool beats and layer them together to make your own songs! Click on try web version. Then, click on one of the faces. Next, click the play arrow. After that, click and drag different clothing items onto the musicians. Take your time and listen to how each item you add changes your song. If you don't like something that you've added, just click on the X.

"I've Been To London"

On the left, under song list, scroll down to song #50. It's called "I've Been to London." This song was first published in 1906 and was sung as a celebration song at the end of a harvest. The farmers would gather, eat, celebrate, and sing.

1. Watch the video while listening and then sing along.

2. Try singing it on solfege syllables.

3. Pause the video - can you name the notes?

4. Try singing the song using the letter names of each note. How did you do?

5. Watch the kid's demo video. See if you can perform the hand clapping game. Then teach it to someone in your family.

Click on the link above to watch a cool version of the famous "William Tell Overture." See if you can sing along!

Johann Sebastian Bach

Click on the link above to go to a fun music website. Click on the arrow to hear a recording teaching about Bach, a famous composer during the Baroque period. Then scroll down and take "This Week's Quiz." How did you do?

"Toccata and Fugue

in d minor"

This is one of Bach's most famous pieces and he composed it for organ in around 1708. Over the years, it has often been used in silent as well as scary movies. The original music was lost, so it was passed on through manuscripts written down by Bach's students. Click on the link below to watch an organist perform this piece by Bach. Do you recognize the melody?