Old Lyrics That Touch My Heart 音樂隨想

Cats in the Cradle

Lyrics by Harry & Sandy Chapin

Listen: YouTube

My child arrived just the other day

He came to the world in the usual way

But there were planes to catch and bills to pay

He learned to walk while I was away

And he was talkin' 'fore I knew it, and as he grew

He'd say "I'm gonna be like you dad

You know I'm gonna be like you"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man on the moon

When you comin' home dad?

I don't know when, but we'll get together then son

You know we'll have a good time then

My son turned ten just the other day

He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let's play

Can you teach me to throw", I said "Not today

I got a lot to do", he said, "That's ok"

And he walked away but his smile never dimmed

And said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah

You know I'm gonna be like him"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man on the moon

When you comin' home son?

I don't know when, but we'll get together then son

You know we'll have a good time then

Well, he came home from college just the other day

So much like a man I just had to say

"Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for a while?"

He shook his head and said with a smile

"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys

See you later, can I have them please?"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man on the moon

When you comin' home son?

I don't know when, but we'll get together then son

You know we'll have a good time then

I've long since retired, my son's moved away

I called him up just the other day

I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind"

He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I can find the time

You see my new job's a hassle and kids have the flu

But it's sure nice talking to you, Dad

It's been sure nice talking to you"

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me

He'd grown up just like me

My boy was just like me

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man on the moon

When you comin' home son?

I don't know when, but we'll get together then son

You know we'll have a good time then


This song really touches my heart... so much reflection on being a son and being a father. This perhaps is what we're all meant to be, and how this world moves forward. There is so much truth in the simple limit cycle that is all contained in the verse "I'm gonna be like you dad. You know I'm gonna be like you"!

Yes, our kids will grow up one day. We probably would see in ourselves now how they will treat us in the not-so-remote future. We are teaching them every minute with everything that we're doing now.

Taking it optimistically, perhaps we are all born to err on the side of helping the world move forward in the way it wants us to. So, we haven't much choice but to do as what has been decided by our DNA (?) — to facilitate and be part of that limit cycle. We simply stay happy with what has been given to us. But, not everyone would take it so optimistically or mildly, and it hurts sometimes when we look at it as being abandoned by the world as soon as we have completed our role. The reality is that the world does move forward and it is up to us to look at it in a positive or negative way.


作者:林振強 收聽: YouTube YouTube

童年在那泥路裡伸頸看 一對耍把戲藝人

搖動木偶令到它打觔斗 使我開心拍著手

然而待戲班離去之後 我問


為何為何曾共我一起的 像時日總未逗留

從前在那炎夏裡的暑假 跟我爸爸笑著行

沿途談談來日我的打算 首次跟他喝啖酒

然而自他離去之後 我問



從前共你 朦朧夜裡 躺於星塵背後

難明白你 為何別去 留下空空的一個地球

徘徊悠悠長路裡 今天我 知道始終要獨行

閒來回頭回望去 追憶去 邊笑邊哭邊喝酒



從前從前曾共我一起的 仍然在心裡逗留

從前誰曾燃亮我的心 始終一生在心內逗留





Shall We Talk

作者:林夕 收聽: 6.cn YouTube YouTube

明月光 為何又照地堂 寧願在公園躲藏 不想喝湯

任由目光 留在漫畫一角 為何望母親一眼就如罰留堂

孩童只盼望歡樂 大人只知道寄望 為何都不大懂得努力體恤對方

大門外有蟋蟀 迴響卻如同幻覺 Shall we talk Shall we talk


陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏

誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈 難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸

如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多 你別怕我

屏幕發光 無論什麼都看 情人在分手邊緣只敢喝湯

若沉默似金 還談什麼戀愛


成人只寄望收穫 情人只聽見承諾 為何都不大懂得努力珍惜對方

螳螂面對蟋蟀 迴響也如同幻覺 Shall we talk Shall we talk

就算牙關開始打震 別說謊

陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏

誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈

難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸 如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多

陪我講 陪我親身正視眼淚誰跌得多

無法講 除非彼此已失去了能力觸摸

鈴聲 可以寧靜 難過 卻避不過 如果沉默太沉重 別要輕輕帶過

明月光 為何未照地堂 孩兒在公司很忙 不需喝湯

Shall we talk 斜陽白趕一趟 沉默令我聽得見葉兒聲聲降


每次聽後都有很大感觸!此曲令每一個城市人反思,如何跟自己的父母,孩子,和身邊的人相處?若彼此間的感情變得冷淡,原因何在?歌詞描寫父母與子女間和情侶間的感情問題, 生活上種種細節反映彼此間存在的隔膜,問題的晶結在於 “不願意去溝通”,shall we talk 就成為了解決問題的關鍵。

欣賞作者的文字功力,非高手不能寫出如此絕妙的詞!以童謠 “月光光,照地堂” 平淡但鮮明地素描童年的感覺,母親說的話就彷彿門外蟋蟀的叫聲,如同幻覺。同樣,父母也毫不體諒子女的困難,只講對他們的種種期望。其實,父母要跟子女一起 “上學堂”,學習如何跟對方溝通!

夫妻(情侶)亦如是,寧願在 “發聲機器” 面前笑著忙,都不願意真誠地互訴心聲。 "情侶"間的交往就好像螳螂面對蟋蟀一樣,無法溝通。

溝通實在不難,關鍵是能否真誠地溝通。歌詞非常坦白,只要 “別說謊”,無忌 “赤裸”,將自己內心的感受坦誠地 “暴露” 出來。

歌詞的最後部份用了同音字和簡單的幾個對比:“聲可以靜”,“難卻避不”, 但如果 “默” 變得太 “重”,就不應把這如此“沉重”的問題“輕輕帶過”。


作者:林夕 收聽:YouTube

遠遠近近裡 城市高高低低間


跌跌碰碰裡 投進聲聲色色間


笑笑喊喊裡 情緒仿彷彿佛間


冷冷暖暖裡 情意親親疏疏間


一生人只一個 血脈跳得那樣近


一生能有幾個 愛護你的也是人


你我似醉了 無法清清楚楚講


世界太冷了 誰會伸出一雙手


說說笑笑裡 曾覺得歡歡喜喜


世界太闊了 由你出生當天起



