Rules of Shooting


All Archery GB rules referring to Safety and Shooting will be applied, whenever shooting is taking place at the club, as stated in the Archery GB rule book. The rules listed below are deemed to be the most important and therefore all members should be aware of them, however, it is strongly advised that all members familiarise themselves with the AGB and WA rule books, copies of which are available via the links on the Governing Bodies page.

You are strongly advised to read through these books, especially if you are planning on entering Record status open tournaments.



    • Does not talk in a loud voice whilst others are shooting.

    • Does not talk to another competitor who obviously prefers to be silent.

    • Does not make any exclamation on the shooting line that might disconcert a neighbour in the act of shooting.

    • Does not go behind the target to retrieve his arrows before his score has been recorded.

    • Does not walk up and down the shooting line comparing scores.

    • Does not touch anyone else’s equipment without permission.

    • Does not leave litter.

    • When calling scores does so in groups of three, for example ‘7 - 7 - 5’ pause ‘5 - 5 - 3’.

    • If he breaks another’s arrow through his own carelessness, pays for it in cash on the spot.

    • Thanks the Target Captain at the end of each round for work on his behalf.


101. Introduction

    • These bow safety rules apply to all archery disciplines. Other safety rules are given in the separate parts of these Rules.

    • Each member of Archery GB has a duty of care to ensure that his actions do not compromise the safety of himself or others.

102. General

    • No archer may draw his bow, with or without an arrow, except when standing at the shooting line or peg. If an arrow is used, the archer shall aim toward the targets but only after being satisfied that the field is clear both in front of and behind the targets.

    • When drawing back the string of the bow an archer shall not use any technique which, in the opinion of the judges, could, if accidentally loosed, allow the arrow to fly beyond a safety zone or safety arrangements (overshoot area, net, wall, etc). If an archer persists in using such a technique, he will, in the interest of safety, be immediately asked by the Judge to stop shooting and to leave the area.

    • If anyone present where archery is taking place becomes aware that shooting should be halted for safety reasons, that person must call “FAST”. On hearing this call, all archers must immediately stop shooting, returning all unshot arrows to the quiver. If necessary, the call of “FAST” should be repeated by other archers to ensure that everyone has heard and stopped shooting. Shooting will recommence only on the instruction of the Judge

    • The Judge, in consultation with the appointed tournament organiser is empowered to require any individual who is considered to be jeopardising the safety of the tournament to immediately leave the shooting ground.

103. Numbers Present

    • When any shooting is in progress there must be a minimum of two people present each being a minimum of 18 years of age, one of whom may be a non-archer to act as a lookout. The archer is responsible to inform the lookout of all safety aspects applicable. Where two adult archers are present and shooting together they will alternate on the shooting line so that the non-shooting archer can act as the lookout.

    • Juniors. When junior archers (ie archers under 18) are shooting individually or in groups they must be supervised by an adult member of Archery GB and a second adult must be present.

    • On private land which is fenced all round, where the public has no legal right of access and with a warning notice displayed at all entrances and points of access, the following concessions may apply notwithstanding the provisions of 103(a) and (b) above:

        • Solo shooting by senior archers (ie archers 18 and over) is permitted*. Any member shooting on their own is doing so at their own risk in respect of personal injuries.

        • Provided that they are an adult member of Archery GB, one parent/guardian alone may supervise his/her own child(ren)**.

* The Club requires such members to be qualified Field Captains.** The Club stipulates that two senior members are present at all times when juniors are shooting, one of which may be a parent or guardian.

304. Shooting

    • Shooting shall be from an unsupported standing position with the body above the shooting line. Disabled archers may use appropriate support.

    • When all archers have shot, three sound signals shall indicate that archers are to move forward to score and collect arrows. No archer shall advance from the shooting line before receiving the signal***.

    • While shooting is in progress, only those competitors whose turn it is to shoot may be on the shooting line. All other competitors with their equipment, shall remain behind the waiting line save that an archer may leave a spotting scope on the shooting line between ends providing it does not create an obstacle for any other archer. A Judge shall use discretion in allowing disabled archers and/or their equipment to remain on the line if circumstances permit.

    • Whilst an archer is on the shooting line, he shall receive no information by word or otherwise from anyone except the Judge.

    • Provided that it has not rebounded, an arrow shall be deemed not to have been shot if part of the arrow shaft lies within 3 metres of the shooting line. In this case another arrow may be shot in its place. If another arrow is not available the archer may retrieve the arrow only with the Judge’s permission.

*** At the Club this signal can only be given by the appointed Field Captain

305. Control of Shooting

    • At all times, whenever shooting takes place, it must be under the control of a Field Captain.

306. Scoring

    • A miss is to be recorded as a letter M.

    • Archers shall identify their arrows by pointing at the nocks. Neither the arrow nor the target face shall be touched until the final decision as to the score has been given and any such interference with the target or arrow shall disqualify the archer from scoring the higher value.

    • All scores must be recorded in a permanent blue or black medium i.e. not pencil or erasable ballpoint.

    • The scorer shall enter totals as required on the scoresheet. The archer and the scorer shall then check the score sheet and sign it as correct. It is each archer’s individual responsibility to ensure that all aspects of his scoresheet are correct when they sign. A tournament organiser is not required to check the additions on a score sheet but, if an error is discovered, has discretion to alter totals accordingly.

    • If an arrow touches two colours or any dividing line it shall be scored as being of that of the higher value.

    • An arrow passing through a boss cannot be scored.

    • An arrow hitting and remaining embedded in another arrow shall be scored the same as the arrow struck.

    • An arrow in the target, which has or may have been deflected by another arrow already in the target, shall be scored according to the position of its shaft in the target face.

    • An arrow on the ground believed to have hit and rebounded from another arrow shall be scored the value of the struck arrow, if the latter is found in the target with its nock damaged in a compatible manner.

    • If an arrow fails to enter the boss and is hanging in the target face, then all archers using that boss shall stop shooting and signal a judge.

307. Dress Regulations

    • The recognised dress of Archery GB is plain dark green and/or white.

    • Footwear that fully encloses the toes and front of the foot must be worn at all times when shooting.

    • Members of Archery GB shooting and officiating at tournaments granted UK or World Record Status by Archery GB are required to wear clothing that is appropriate, clean, in good condition (ie not frayed or worn, either deliberately or by use) and conventional in style and appearance. In particular:

        • Tops or shirts must cover the front and back of the body (including the midriff when at full draw), they must not be strapless and, for gentlemen, must include sleeves.

        • Any colour garments may be worn with the exception of blue denim, olive drab and camouflage pattern.

        • Badges, Logos and Wording.

            • Clothing manufacturers’ trade marks are allowed. The wearer’s name is allowed.

            • Individuals and members of clubs and other archery organisations that are commercially sponsored may wear sponsors’ logos and names during the sponsorship period only.

            • Other wording or badges on clothing must represent archery organisations.

    • Members of Archery GB who are officiating as the Chairman of Judges, Judge or Director of Shooting at a UK or World Record Status tournament shall wear Archery GB recognised Judges official dress.

    • A member of Archery GB who has represented Great Britain (GBR) as an archer at an international tournament may wear their international shooting uniform for the remainder of that season and the following one.


Whenever shooting is taking place at the club the following rules are to be strictly adhered to. All archers are therefore required to read and commit to memory the following as no exceptions will be allowed and claiming ignorance will be no defence.

  • Every Member is responsible for their own safety and that of others within the Shooting Area, Field, Car Park, Clubhouse and Storage Sheds.

  • When arriving or departing from the Club, do not open / close the gate if archers are shooting, or are on the shooting line. However, should congestion arise from 2 or more vehicles being parked on the entrance driveway and waiting to enter, the Field Captain may exercise some discretion, either by opening the gate and permitting entry up to the white line across the drive or by halting shooting and permitting entry to the car park. Shooting may only be re-started when the occupants have exited the vehicle and car park. Alternatively, Members may park on Mottram Road if space is available.

  • If a Member or visitor arrives whilst shooting is taking place on either the back shooting line or front shooting line, they must remain outside the gate until the end has been completed, regardless of whether they are on foot or in a car.

  • When Members arrive at the Club, they are requested to please sign the Attendance Register.

  • Running on the field is NOT allowed at any time.

  • A Field Captain must be appointed from those present to control and monitor the shooting area, field and car park at all times when shooting is taking place by 2 or more archers, or their arrows are being collected. Shooting control must be by the whistle.

  • Compound archers are restricted to Lanes 7 - 9, which should also be used as a priority if shooting distances greater than 50m with any bow type.

  • Shooting MUST NOT start until the field and car park area are clear, and the Field Captain has given the signal to do so (1 whistle blast).

  • When archers are on the Shooting Line, Members and visitors must not enter any part of the car park area or the area containing the Target Shed. Notices to that effect must be prominently displayed.

  • All archers must comply with AGB Rules of Shooting at all times. In particular, the prohibition of a ‘High Draw’.

  • If shooting is taking place from the back shooting line, Members must not enter the car park area, and Members who are in the Clubhouse should remain inside with the door shut until the completion of the end.

  • When shooting from the Front Line, the maximum distances allowed are 70m / 80yds across all lanes from 1 – 9.

  • When shooting from the Back Line, the maximum distances allowed are 70m / 80yds on Lanes 2 & 3, and 90m / 100yds on Lanes 4 to 7. Lanes 1, 8 and 9 are not to be used. Only the designated Lanes can be used for shooting at the longer distances.

  • While shooting is in progress, only those competitors whose turn it is to shoot may be on the shooting line. All other competitors with their equipment shall remain behind the waiting line save that an archer may leave a spotting scope on the shooting line between ends providing it does not create an obstacle for any other archer. They MUST remove it if an archer asks them to do so.

  • No archer shall advance past the shooting line before the signal to do so is given (three (3) whistle blasts). This signal can only be given by the appointed Field Captain.

  • When taking part in a competition either internal or at an external event, an archer is not permitted to ‘spot’ for another archer, from either the Shooting Line or behind the Waiting Line, unless participating in a WA team event.

  • An archer may leave a spotting scope on the shooting line between ends providing it does not create an obstacle for any other archer. They MUST remove it if an archer asks them to do so.

  • Every Member who is unable to find a shot arrow must complete the required information on the “Lost Arrow Register” form which is displayed within the Clubhouse.

  • Targets faces and straw bosses must be returned to the Target Shed by the archer responsible for them after completion of their rounds, unless other Members wish to use them.

  • If a Member uses any of the refreshment supplies, please contribute to the cost.

  • Members who are the last to leave the Club must follow the Close Down procedure to ensure the premises are left tidy, safe and secure, namely:

      • Ensure both equipment rooms within the Clubhouse are locked

      • Turn off the water heater and all other electrical apparatus other than the fridge

      • Close all curtains

      • Turn off gas heaters

      • Wash all used cups, plates and cutlery

      • Ensure the toilets and Target shed are locked

      • Ensure the Emergency Exit is secure

      • Turn off the electricity supply to the Target Shed

      • Turn off all lights

      • Close the Clubhouse door and check that it is securely locked

      • Close and padlock the entrance gate

  • The open display of knives within the clubs grounds is not permitted.

  • Any shooting member who wishes to shoot an unfamiliar bow type, or substantially alters their current set-up eg; new limbs, arrows or sights, must first shoot it Indoors under the supervision of at least one archer experienced with that bow type. When the supervising archer is satisfied that the Member can do so safely and competently, they may progress to Outdoor shooting, again under the supervision of at least one experienced archer, and progressing through the distances deemed appropriate by the supervisor(s).

  • Members should recognise that we all get something different from participating in the sport. Some Members progress further and quicker than others. Please avoid making critical or hurtful remarks about those who don’t.

  • All Members must comply with the Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy and the Children, Young Persons and Vulnerable Adults Protection and Safeguarding Practices.

  • New Members and Novice archers must be trained and supervised to put out targets by a coach or experienced archer. They will only be permitted to set out targets unassisted when the supervisor is satisfied that they are safe and competent to do so.

  • All Members should ensure their arrow shafts are marked and identified with their initials, and ideally numbered.

  • The condition of the perimeter including the warning notices and ropes must be checked every 6 months and repaired or replaced as necessary.

  • The Accident Book and First Aid Kit are located on the right hand wall as you enter the clubhouse. If those present regard the accident as serious, they must immediately notify either the Chair and / or the Secretary (Refer to Committee Section for details of current incumbents). If the accident requires emergency medical attention, details of the clubs location are located above the window on the left hand side of the clubhouse as you enter.


  • The first archers to set out targets on any day other than a Sunday Tournament Day are permitted to choose which shooting line is used.

      • 100yd and 90m shooting from the backline is not permitted during the afternoon session of a Sunday Tournament Day.

      • Shooting may be from both lines during this period with the backline as the first detail and the front line as the second detail, or vice versa. This may only occur with the agreement of all archers present, and only if backline shooting was the first choice of the day.

      • When shooting from the backline all archers not shooting should either be behind the handrail or in the clubhouse.

      • For all matters relating to the conduct of Sunday Tournament Days please refer to the Constitution.

  • If archers have already set out and are shooting at targets, subsequent archers can only prepare and set out targets either, after the completion of an end and archers are collecting arrows, or with the agreement of the archers currently shooting a round.


All archers are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Archery GB rules of etiquette.

Archers should not approach the Shooting Line when other archers are in the process of drawing, at full draw or are in the process of completing an end and have 3 or fewer arrows to shoot.

Once an archer has completed their end, they should not leave the Shooting Line if the archers in the adjacent positions are drawing or are at full draw.

When all scores have been recorded, arrows should be removed from the target and returned to the individual archers, who should place them in their quiver while returning to the Shooting Line. (Archers are recommended to check their arrows for damage, loose fletchings etc on the way back to the Shooting Line)


Archery GB dress rule 307 shall be applied on all nominated tournament days.


The duties of the Field captain will be performed by a suitably experienced and qualified member who has been officially authorised to perform the duties of that position by the committee. The acting Field Captain will be responsible for enforcing the rules, as laid down in this handbook, and has the full authority of the committee in the discharge of these duties.

The role of a field Capain is one of great responsibility as your primary duty is to oversee that all shooting at the club is carried out in strict accord with the AGB rules of shooting, and the clubs own safety procedures.

However, the role of the Field Captain entails far more than that, especially when the club is running tournaments.

If you wish to learn more about what being a Field Captain entails view the details on the Field Captain page. You can also download a PDF guide, which is by no means definitive and members should refer to other related documentation if they wish to improve their knowledge.


Each Sunday from the first in April to the last in October is designated as a Tournament day and no casual shooting is allowed on these days.

There will be two sessions during the day and all archers wishing to shoot in a particular session are required to be on the shooting line for the stipulated times, these being:

      • Morning Session. Sighters 10.:00 am

      • Afternoon Session. Sighters 2:00 pm

Any archer arriving on the shooting line after the first arrow of the round has been shot in either session, this does not include sighters, will NOT be allowed to shoot during the remainder of that session. They may shoot in the next session, provided they are on the shooting line for the stipulated time.


Tournament days will alternate on a weekly basis between English and Metric rounds, commencing on the first Sunday in April with an English round.

Every archer must declare the round they are going to shoot before the start of the session.

On Tournament days there will be no rounds shot in the afternoon from the backline.

All score sheets must be signed and placed into the correct box at the end of every round.

At the end of the round (either Metric or Imperial), the score sheets should be checked, completed and signed by both the Scorer and the Archer. The Records Officer is entitled to reject any score sheet that is incomplete or that has been filled in incorrectly. It may be prudent for the Archer to check the additions, as no amendment to the scores will be accepted after the score sheet has been submitted to the Records Officer.