Events 2021

Notice of Have a Go events

A local charity, Khush Amdid, based in Ashton-under-Lyne has inquired if the club would be willing to run introductory archery sessions for twelve of their female clients split over two days.

They are looking for ways in which they can address the effects of social isolation within the BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) community.

Ideally the club is looking to hold these sessions outdoors occupying Lanes 7, 8 and 9 (2 details of 3). However, if the weather is unsuitable it is felt that it would be better to hold them indoors (3 detail of 2).

Therefore, would Members please note that the outdoor range will be available during the dates and times shown below, hopefully, with minor disruption. The Clubhouse, however, will probably be unavailable for use by members during these times.

  • Monday 27th September, 11.00 am - 1.00 pm for 6 participants

  • Tuesday 28th September, 11.00 am - 1.00 pm for 6 participants

Senior Outdoor Target Championships

The senior championship are to be held on Sunday 12th September with the rounds to be shot being a WA1440 for both the Gents and the Ladies.

Sighter's will be at 10:00 am, so please arrive no later than 9:30 am, this will ensure you have plenty of time to setup your equipment and warm up.

Any member's who are able to turn up earlier and help with the setting up of the targets for the days shoot, can you please let the Tournament officer know in advance

Currently there is no requirement to pre-book as there is no limit to the number of archers able to attend, other than spaces available.

For further details please contact the Tournament Officer, Steve Watts either via phone or by the club's WhatsApp group.

Novice Shoot

This shoot will be held at the club this coming Sunday, 15th August, and is primarily for novices archers, but any member who feels more comfortable shooting at shorter distances is welcome to attend. Sighters will be at 10:00 am and the round to be shot will be either one of the short metric's or one of the short national rounds, depending on demand and how many members turn up.

This is a great opportunity for the less experienced members to shoot a shorter round under tournament conditions in a relaxed atmosphere.

There is plenty of room for members to spread out, so it would be nice to see a large turnout.

Medals will be awarded for novices archers, this is archers who have been shooting for less than two years.

There is no need to pre-book a place, just turn up up on the day, preferably before 9:30 am so you have plenty of time to set up your equipment.

For further details please contact the Tournament Officer, Steve Watts either via phone or by the club's WhatsApp group.

Coaching Session

On Saturday 28th August, Joyce Harrison, a senior Cheshire Coach will be attending the club to assist and oversee a coaching session for senior members which will be run by Steve Wilde. The coaching session will start at 2:00 pm and finish about 5:00 pm, it is open to all senior members to attend, no matter what their current ability is or the bow style they shoot.

These sessions are usually very beneficial to the members who attend, so don't be shy, you could learn something that will improve your shooting.

Double American Shoot

The annual Double American round will take place at the club on Sunday 8th August with sighters at 10:00 am. A double American round consists of shooting 2½ dozen arrows at 60 yards, 50 yards and 40 yards during the morning session then this is repeated again in the afternoon. Members, can if they wish, shoot just a single round either in the morning or the afternoon, but only members who shoot both rounds will be eligible for an award.

For further details please contact the Tournament Officer, Steve Watts either via phone or by the club's WhatsApp group.

Handicap Shoot

The club will be holding a Handicap shoot on Sunday 18th July. The rounds to be shot will be WA1440's appropriate to the gender and age of the members attending. As the Government restrictions are still in force members are requested to pre-book a space by contacting the Tournament officer (Steve Watts) or Julie Sharkey.

Up Coming Club Tournaments

There are two up coming club shoots, the first being on Sunday 30th May. This is an Imperial round shoot with members shooting either a York, Hereford, Bristol III or a Bristol IV, depending on their gender and age.

All the rounds consist of shooting twelve dozen arrows at three different distances, for round details click Here.

Any members who wish to enter the competition are requested to contact the Tournament Officer, Steve Watts or alternatively contact Julie Sharkey.

The second competition is the Mid-Summer shoot, which will be held on Wednesday 23rd June. This is an evening shoot, starting promptly at 7:00 pm and will consist of a National round, or one of the shorter distance versions for juniors, for details of the rounds click Here.

Further details of both events can be found in the Calendar listings.

Double Metric Results

The results of the Double Metric shoot held on Sunday 2nd May are as follows

Round Shot: Double WA70


  • Brain Rosenberg Morning Score 220, Afternoon Score 288, Total Score 508

  • Steve Watts Morning Score 262, Afternoon Score 222, Total Score 484


  • Steve Giblin Morning Score 217, Afternoon Score 187, Total Score 404

  • Andy Wardle Morning Score 257, Afternoon Score DNS, Total Score 257


  • Chris Cooke Morning Score 520, Afternoon Score 416, Total Score 936

  • Pete Phythian Morning Score 362, Afternoon Score 148, Total Score 510

  • Julie Sharkey Morning Score 602, Afternoon Score DNS, Total Score 602


  • Callum Wardle Morning Score 545, Afternoon Score 515, Total Score 1060

Due to the current Covid regulations, the number of participants was restricted.

DNS = Did Not Shoot

Double Metric Shoot

This Sunday, 2nd May, is the club's double metric shoot, the round to be shot will be a WA70, 6 dozen arrows at 70m on a 122cm face.

There may be room to have shorter distances available on the day, but this depends on bookings.

Any member who wishes to shoot should contact Steve Watts, the tournament officer, or Julie Sharkey.

All current Covid related safety guidelines will be enforced on the day.