Events 2022

Rudolph Field Shoot

The annual Rudolph Field Shoot will be held on Sunday 15th January 2023, starting promptly at 10:00 am and will be held at the club, utilising the wooded area to the left of the field.

This event is open to all members, so everyone is welcome to attend.

Members ideally should wear brightly coloured clothing where possible, but certainly, no camouflage patterned clothing will be allowed.

Homemade Soup & BBQ food will be served after the first rotation of the targets. 

Any members wishing to attend are requested to let Julie Sharkey know by 10th January, this is to give an idea of the numbers that will need to be catered for during the break.

The day prior to the shoot, Saturday 14th January, will require volunteers to help set up the field shoot course. This usually takes between two or three hours, depending on the number of volunteers. If you are free and able to help out please inform Julie.

EGM Date

As notified previously, Kay Simpson resigned as the club Chair. The Vicechair, Dean Memory, has informed the committee that, although he will be away for much of this year, he is willing to continue as Vicechair in a supportive capacity until the next AGM, unless another member wishes to stand for this position, if this was the case then he would be willing to step down.

The committee is therefore looking for nominees for the position of Chair and possibly Vicechair. 

All nominations must be submitted to the Secretary, no later than Midnight, Thursday 26th May.

Members will then be emailed on Friday 27th May with a list of the nominated members to allow them time to consider their choice and submit a proxy vote to the Secretary, should you be unable to attend the EGM.

The EGM has been arranged for Sunday 29th May and will be held in the clubhouse starting at 1:30 pm.

All members are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting if possible or submit a proxy vote at the least if they can not.

Remember this is your club so why not take part in the decision-making.

Fun Shoot

The time for sighters of the Fun Shoot on the 26th March have been changed by the Tournaments Officer to 2:00 pm.

This is to allow the Juniors attending CAA squad training at North Cheshire Bowmen's ground in Knutsford time to return and take part in the shoot.

Senior Indoor Championships

The championships will be held at Assheton Bowmen's ground which is located at Tudor Lodge, Victoria Avenue East, Manchester. M40 5SH

Members are requested to only attend for their pre-booked session.

The round to be shot is a Portsmouth which comprises of five dozen arrows shot at 20 yards on a 60cm target face.

Single spot 60cm face for Recurve, Recurve Barebow and Longbow

3 Spot 60cm face for Compound

There is limited space for setting up in kitchen area, Assheton Bowmen do not allow setting up in the lounge area.

Tea & Coffee will be available to purchase on the day.

A target face will be placed on the fence surrounding Assheton's grounds to show the position of the gates to enter the site.

All awards, for both the senior & junior indoor championships, will be presented at the fun shoot schedule to take place on Saturday 26th March at the clubs grounds.

Fun Shoot & Awards Ceremony

The Fun shoot will take place on Saturday 26th March on targets set at either 20m or 20 yards and will consist of shooting 5 dozen arrows, using the club's fiberglass bows.

The start time will be 2:00 pm.

All members wishing to shoot are required to bring their own arrows.

The shoot will be followed by food, served in the clubhouse, and the awards ceremony for both the Senior indoor Championships and the fun shoot.

Maintenance Weekend

This will be held over the weekend of 19th and 20th March with sighters at 2:00pm

A list of jobs that need to be completed over the weekend will be published and prominently displayed in the clubhouse on the day.

It is expected that every member participates in some way to help clean and tidy the clubhouse, target shed and grounds. Also required, is help in repairing any equipment that may be damaged along with any other tasks that are noted on the work to do list, which will be prominently displayed on the notice board in the clubhouse.

Members are requested to arrive from 8.30 am onwards. Seniors, juniors and their parents are all welcome. Lunch will be provided, by the club, for everyone who helps out and is there at lunchtime on the Saturday.

Start time on the Sunday will be from 9:00 am onwards.

Senior Indoor Championships

There are 2 sessions with 24 places available in each session.

To reserve a place please send an email to

Please provide the following information in the email

Refreshments, Tea & Coffee, will be available for a cost of 50p per mug.

Closing date for entries 6th March 2022.

Any remaining slots will be available for archers requesting to shoot both sessions, but cannot be guaranteed.