Junior Events 2018

Junior Outdoor Target Championships

These will be taking place on Saturday 8th September, at the club. Sighters will be at 10:30 am prompt.

Juniors are requested to arrive early to help with the setting out the targets as well as setting up their own equipment. The Archery GB dress code will be applied at this shoot, which means you are not allowed to wear blue denim jeans, any item of clothing which has a camouflage pattern. Also, shirts need to be long enough so that while drawing the bow your mid-riff is not visible and all shoes must enclose the front and sides of the foot.

For the full regulations follow the link.

60th Anniversary celebrations

On Saturday 14th July Margaret will be organising a shoot to celebrate the clubs 60th anniversary. The shoot will be followed by a BBQ.

Full details will be published when available.

Clout Training

During the morning of Saturday the 28th April, the junior session will consist of instruction on how to shoot CLOUT. All practice will be from the back shooting line which means there will be no target shooting allowed while this is taking place. elp with the instructing of the juniors, it would be greatly appreciated.

Field Training

On Saturday morning, 5th May, the junior session will consist of instruction on how to shoot FIELD targets. This is in preparation for their forthcoming coach trip to New Century Bowmen at Macclesfield, on Saturday 12th May.

All juniors who wish to attend the field shoot MUST attend this training session, or have attended training courses held in previous years.


This will take place on Saturday 12th May, and be held at New Century Bowmen’s course in Macclesfield.

Attending this event is free to juniors, as costs are covered by a grant given to the junior club from the former Members of Manchester United Football Club.

Juniors wanting to take part need to add their names to the list that will be placed on the junior notice board. All juniors MUST have permission from their parents to attend this event

All juniors who wish to attend this event MUST attend the training session on Saturday 12th May, or have attended training courses held in previous years.


These take place on Saturday 17th February and are hosted by Goldcrest Archers.


Portsmouth on a single spot face (5 Dozen arrows at 20 Yards)


Goldcrest Archers Indoor Range, Adamson Industrial Estate, UNIT G, Croft Street, Hyde, Cheshire. SK14 1EE. Please be aware this is an active estate so great care should be taken while on the premises.

Entry Fee: £5.00

Currently there are only 2 Sessions being run this year, these being

A. Sighters at 9.00am

B. Sighters at 12.00 noon

Margaret Shorrock is sending in an entry form on behalf of the junior club, so if you wish to enter please let her know by this coming Saturday, 27th January.

You will need to give her your Name, Bow type and the session you wish to shoot.

Entry fees will be collected at a later date, but before the date of the tournament.