Class 1-2: Computer languages
Computer languages are a sequence of instructions composed to perform specific tasks through a computer. A computer programming language is known as program source coding. A computer machine without a program cannot do ANYTHING. Computer programs can range from two to millions of lines of instructions. Just as there are several languages in the human world, there are also several computer programming languages such as Python, C++, Java, C, Perl, PHP and Ruby.
Our introduction to programming will be through a game called CodeCombat
Assignment #7: CodeCombat
Complete as much of as you can before it becomes a pay site if you want to.
When done just click on Turn-In/submit it to your Google Classroom assignment page (you don't need to attach anything). Your progress is listed on the teacher sheet. Challenges/areas above/beyond the basic Kithgard Dungeon map increases your mark beyond level 2.
If you're done and want to try for a level 4 - finish Ozaria
Class 3: Basics of a computing language
You are to "program" a challenge for the other groups in the classroom. Students are to put a paper X on the floor somewhere within a 50 step radius of the classroom.
We will develop rules for our language in class prior to developing the program. Your group will then write a sequence of lines of code that another group can follow to find your X
Class 5-8:
Lego assembly and challenge. Using the Mindstorm EV3 program (if not installed, do so using Software Center) develop a set of commands that will lead your robot to WIN
Assignment #8: Lego Challenges
As per the diagram below, your robot is to pick up a weight in one "wing" of the L, and bring to the other wing of the L and drop it off. The fastest time to do so is the winner.
Take pictures of your progress and submit a google doc to Classroom that includes a brief write-up outlining your successes as well as your failures.
Write-UP: In a presentation document of your choice (Docs/Slides etc...) discuss what went right with your build? What went wrong? How would you fix what went wrong? Refer to research you may have to do on the web in order to apply knowledge about mechanics or programming if it's relevant to your discussion about your successes and/or failures. Include pics of your construction, coding or any other relevant pictures for the challenge(s).
Class 9-15: Introduction to structured language
Microsoft has a freeware package for simple programming called smallBasic. You can use the online IDE here, but is somewhat limited in what you can/can't do
Sequential Programming
Literally, a set of instructions to be run in a pre-programmed sequence. There are several other types of concepts in computer science, but we'll address those shortly. In older versions of programming BASIC sequential lines of code used to be numbered and the computer would actually run according to this number. Number lines are no longer necessary, but still, code runs in order until you tell it to do otherwise - that is from top to bottom and from left to right.
Copy the following into the code window:
'Starting with a text window for the settings
TextWindow.WriteLine("Hello World")
The first line will run, but because it has a quote it is a comment (ie used to document what happens for the programmer, but because it isn't a command it won't appear in the output). The second line runs, and generates a string (words/letters) in the output text window.
TRYTHIS: What about "printing" something else?
Press the large play button (or faster yet, hit F5 if you've installed the program) and what happens? You have written and run your first bit of code! What about a more difficult bit of code. Copy the contents of example_code to the smallbasic code window (will only run if SmallBasic is installed, not on the online IDE). Run it. What do you notice?
Some important terminlogy
something a user types into the computer as part of a program
variable: something that can take on any given value (text or #)
a String Variable
(usually logical), which holds in memory, some input from a user
e.g. name = user's inputted name when prompted
a = <text input>
Integer Variable
mathematical operations can be done on it
a = <some number>
BEDMAS rules
logic a=a+2 works in computer programming, but not in standard math. However a+2 = a doesn't work!
Syntax errors vs. Logic errors
syntax errors occur when you have typing mistakes. E.g. when you type textWindow.reed instead of in smallBasic.
Logic errors occurs when there is a fallacy of reasoning. i.e. In programming, typing if x < 0 and x > 5. Since a value can't be less than 0 and greater than 5, a logical error will occur, but you will not be notified that the code is wrong
Some important terminlogy
something a user types into the computer as part of a program
variable: something that can take on any given value (text or #)
a String Variable
(usually logical), which holds in memory, some input from a user
e.g. name = user's inputted name when prompted
a = <text input>
a = TextWindow.Read()
Integer or Number Variable
mathematical operations can be done on it
a = <some number>
a = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
BEDMAS rules
logic a=a*2 works in computer programming, but not in standard math. However a*2 = a doesn't work!
How to store a variable:
string variables
'This stores a variable as a string - and this line is a comment (because of the ' sign)
TextWindow.WriteLine("Please enter your name: ")
wordInput= TextWindow.Read()
TextWindow.Writeline("Pleased to meet you "+ wordInput)
number variables
'This stores a variable as an integer ( a number)
TextWindow.Writeline("Please enter a number")
numberInput = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
TextWindow.Writeline("Your number is: "+ numberInput)
You can also set display functions (or any others) by using variables. As you saw from CodeCombat a variable is simply a letter or word that is used to represent something else. In this case the word days represents all of the text afterwards.
' if we simply do days = Monday
days = Monday
' it won't display the way we want since Monday is supposed to be text and thus has to have quotes around it to display as a string
days = "Monday take 2"
In many languages (eg: Python) the variable skinnyMonkey is different than the variable skinnymonkey. Make note of that as it will be the bane of your existence should you often forget. For the purposes of 'best practices':
days = "Monday take 1"
Days = "Monday take 2"
TextWindow.WriteLine(days + Days)
Variables should be named to reflect what they're being used for:
ballRectangleVariableName = "String Variable", note each new word in the variable name is capitalized
ballRectangleCoordinateName = (43,80)
While functions (subroutines in SmallBasic) should be named like this:
Note the only difference between a string (word) variable input and a number variable input is that you're changing it to READNUMBER in front of the input statement and wrapping it in a couple brackets()
A reminder the difference in the following is CRUCIAL to remember since math can only be done on numbers in all other lanugages (Small Basic is somewhat forgiving of the mistake):
wordInput= TextWindow.Read()
numberInput= TextWindow.ReadNumber()
Try this
'This stores a variable as an integer - and this is a comment
TextWindow.WriteLine("Please enter a number")
numberInput= TextWindow.ReadNumber()
mathStuff = numberInput *5 + 8
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is "+ mathStuff )
Try the following:
Write a basic program that asks the user their name and favorite 2 classes, then displays that in a greeting statement (eg: Hello X, your favorite classes are A and B)
Write a basic program that both creates, then displays a random numbers between 1 and 100. For that we'll look at more advanced commands in SmallBasic
'pulls a random number and stores it. By default all random numbers start at 1
randomNumber = math.GetRandomNumber(10)
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is "+ randomNumber)
What would you do to get a random number between 5 and 10?
randomNumber = 4+math.GetRandomNumber(6)
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is "+ randomNumber)
Conditional Logic
In programming, you can evaluate user inputted integers and strings against stored variables to incredible effect. Typical conditional logic commands include if, then, else. Typical logic would have the programmer checking either inputs or variables against some previous defined value or string to see what outcome should happen. It is important to remember
Usage of conditional logic in english terms can be seen as follows:
If (question) Then
(do something)
ElseIf (other questions) Then
(do something else)
(do something that isn't part of the IF or ELSEIF)
So in practical terms:
TextWindow.WriteLine("Please enter a number")
number = TextWindow.ReadNumber() 'inputting a number from the user
if number<10 then 'your variable number is being weighed against the value of 10, the colon is crucial
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is <10") 'notice the indent, this means this line of code is UNDER the line above
elseif number > 10 then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is >10")
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number must be 10")
Indenting is CRUCIAL in your development of a working program in all other languages than smallBasic. In smallBasic you can ask the program to format itself to help with your indentation
Simply highlight the block of code that contains sections that should be indented and ask smallBasic to format it for you
Try it yourself with the installed version. Copy/paste this into the client and choose FormatProgram
TextWindow.WriteLine("Please enter a number")
number = TextWindow.ReadNumber() 'inputting a number from the user
if number<10 then 'your variable number is being weighed against the value of 10, the colon is crucial
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is <10") 'notice the indent, this means this line of code is UNDER the line above
elseif number > 10 then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is >10")
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number must be 10")
You can ask equivalency in your conditions (as we saw in the example above)
Greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) all apply when making these logic. Likewise the more complex looking "not equal to" (<>)
if number > 10 (number is greater than 10)
if number >=10 (number is greater than or equal to 10)
if number = 10 (if the number is equal to exactly 10)
if number <> 10 (if the number is not equal to 10)
In other languages (say Python) that the only changes are when making equivalency (==) or not equal to (!=)
You can also string together multiple logic evaluations:
if number<10 and gamePlayLoop =1 then
elseif number=10 and randomNumber <>3 then
Sometimes we want to repeat lines of code over and over. These are called loops. Mostly beyond the scope of a grade 9 introduction to programming there are 2 types of loops that accomplish this. They are the For and While loops.
For loops (when you know how many times the code will run)
it has the structure:
'initializes the loop
For i = 1 To 10
'repeating code goes here
While loops (when you know what will cause the loop to end):
'exits when the answer is equal to 3
answer = 5
while answer <> 3
TextWindow.WriteLine("Please enter a number guess")
answer = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
TextWindow.WriteLine("This shows the next line of code after the loop is now executed")
So how do we use structures over and over? Remember the CodeCombat game used While True. We'll do the same:
'notice the WHILE command below means it's going to a loop that happens until you 'break' it. We literally type in the code BREAK to make sure the code/game exits when that condition is reached
'everything has to be indented to be "inside" the while loop
break = "false"
while break = "false"
TextWindow.WriteLine("Enter a number please")
number = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
if number<10 then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is <10") 'what happens is if the number is less than 10 you get that response
elseif number=10 then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your number is equal to 10") 'if it's equal to 10 you get the prompt
break="true" ' if it's larger than 10 the while loop breaks and you're into the statement below.
TextWindow.WriteLine("You found the way out - something greater than 10")
'the print statement above works after the while loop is done because it's indented the same amount as the while statement
'note, you could have instead done break=0 and break =1 for false and true and it would be less typing in the long run
Write a program that give the user feedback of "higher" or "lower" until the user correctly guesses the number between 1 and 20
Assignment #9: smallBasic questions
Answer the following questions:
Write a program that asks the user their name and then uses their name to reply along with the string "welcome to the matrix!"
Write a program that asks the user their current 4 courses, and the grades for those courses. It then lists the four courses and determines the average in their current semester of grade 9
Write a program that asks a user for their name and age, figures out the year born using subtraction and prints "Hello" <name>, "you were born in", <year>. (hint: don't worry about birth-months, the year might be off of your ACTUAL birth year by 1)
Write a program that calculates the volume of a cube based on users input of the size of the cube.
Write a program that converts a user-input temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius (you'll need to research the formula online)
Write a program that lets the user know if he/she is of age to get a drivers license based on the user's input
Create a number guessing game where using the random number generator a number between 1 and 10 is created and stored. Then the user has to keep guessing the number until they get the right answer.
Write a program that has a user guess until they succeed in guessing your favorite colour (keep to basic colours, no fuchsia or salmon)
Develop a program that doesn't exit until the "right" password is given (the password choice is yours), and notifies the user the right password was given ((hint: it's a type of loop)
Click INVITE and get share links from for your answers to turn in the assignment
Assignment #10: Python mini-game
Using the website develop a simple game that is less ~ 500 lines of code long. Be sure to save the share-link so you can submit it when complete (or copy it into a N++ file). Easier games would be, say, a point-keeping trivia game. More complex games would be something like a combat simulator. Possible mark ranges vary based on the complexity of the game as well as type of game. Game ranking for the "game-off" will also factor into the final mark.
Exemplar for the structure for a 'simple game' (trivia)
Exemplar for the structure for a 'more complex game (adventure)'. Here's example 1, and example 2 and a (picture setup) for that. Or maybe a combat simulator
When complete submit the small basic file to Google Classroom