Overview | Proposal | Evaluation 


Your "Summative Project" is intended to give you an opportunity to display ALL the skills you've acquired over the semester and thus is individual work. Think of it as a in-class product-driven "final exam" that reviews all aspects of the course, but is open book, and lasts two weeks instead of a couple of hours. Use previous concepts of the course to demonstrate learning.

PART A - Proposal

Fill out the google form with your project proposal

PART B - Product

The completed project, or pictures/video of the project (e.g. computer, robot, circuit, web site, program, etc.) as appropriate for your project

PART C - Reflection

Include in some form a reflection (google docs/slideshow/video/canva etc...):

1) What you attempted

2) What it included (material/parts/software)

3) How you build/did it

4) What did you learn?, Did you accomplish the task?, etc.

5) Relevant references - web references/youtube links etc... if necessary

Summative Options

A) Hardware

B) Networking

C) Electronics

D) Robotics