Rainier to Lindberg

Route 2 / US 30

Rainier to Lindberg (v.006)Google Earth Imagery Date: July 15, 2018

For quite a long time, I suspected that there might be a lost fragment of original CRH somewhere in the vicinity of the orange line on the map above because the current alignment just felt too straight through this area, feeling very much like segments where old, twisty sections of the original highway have been abandoned or relegated to the status of local roads.

However, the 1928 map (flipped on its side, intentionally, below) reveals that this pretty much was the profile of the highway here.

Taylor does note that, "from this point to the city limits of Rainier, extensive straightening and widening has taken place over the years since the original highway was completed. The old road undulates beneath today's route like a snake, sometimes making brief, partial appearances to the right or left." (71)

On future field trips, I'll be sure to look for these "brief, partial appearances" and try to document them, but as far as the general alignment is concerned, there is no missing Route 2 through here. I will be eliminating the orange guess above from future incarnations of my map as it is has now been fully ruled out.

Detail: 1928 Rainier to LindbergPage 011 - Township 7 N. Range 2 W., Longview, Prescott, Rainier, OasisITEM #US1363079From Columbia County 1928, OregonPublished by Metsker Maps in 1928 http://www.historicmapworks.com/Map/US/1363079/Page+011+++Township+7+N++Range+2+W+++Longview++Prescott++Rainier++Oasis/Columbia+County+1928/Oregon/

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