Widby Loop 3

Route 2

Past and Present Views Along the Columbia River Highway

Kirk J. Poole, September 8, 2020:

Look for the grassy area where you can park, going eastbound. That grass is one-half of the old Loop 3. Above you some 60 feet is Loop 1. Loops 2 and 4 are across the highway in the stands of younger trees on the river side of the road. If you get to Loop 2, look down below and you will see Loop 4. Nothing has bare asphalt, it's all juvenile trees, grass and ferns, or in the case of Loop 1; all blackberry bushes. Be prepared to cut a trail to Loop 1.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/483015922488601/posts/797933094330214 Accessed: November 5, 2020

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