Smith Point

Youngs Bayv.2020.04.25.007Google Earth Imagery Date: October 12, 2020

Oregon State Archives: A 1940 Oregon Coast Tour

Here U.S. 101 swings R. then L. around SMITH POINT, 2 m. [Southbound from Astoria], at the entrance to Youngs Bay, an arm of the Columbia. In the water lie the decaying hulls of half-completed merchant ships, abandoned at the close of the World War. The headland, on the opposite side of Youngs Bay, about three miles away, is POINT ADAMS... , near which in 1792 Lieut. William Broughton, an English officer, anchored the "Chatham" and set out to explore, using a cutter and launch. He entered a bay and a river, naming the river in honor of Sir George Young of the royal navy. The bay, in turn, took its name from the river.

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