County Line Fragment


County Line Fragment

A. F. Litt, November 26, 2022

I spoke about climbing up the hill here in the video I made on finding nothing at Big Noise Creek back in 2020, but I never added anything about that trip here...

So, looking at the lidar above, it seems like there is a big clear fragment here, just as well defined at the Westport Tunnel Road to the west, if not even better! But, when I climbed up here to where I thought the road was, while I did find a small, very overgrown grade, it was nowhere near the size of what seems to appear in the lidar.

I am wondering if I did not climb high enough. The grade I made it to may have been that narrow one lower down. If so, then there still could be a neat surprise waiting to be discovered out there.

County Line Fragment
v.2020.07.27.007Google Earth Imagery Date: October 12, 2018
Westport Tunnel Road to County Line Fragment, 410 Feet
County Line Fragment, 536.6 feet
Columbia County sign on the modern highway below the grade visible in the lidar dataGoogle Street View Imagery Date: July 2022

Is that the grade visible in the blackberries there just above the county line sign?

Google Street View Imagery Date: July 2022

A. F. Litt, November 26, 2022

Looking at the measurements and the Google Street view imagery above, I am pretty sure my issue in 2022 was not going far enough east before climbing the hillside. The county line signs are lined up well with the boundary marked on the lidar, so heading in from near there should make finding and confirming this well hidden fragment a slam dunk!

Unfortunately, in 2020, I was with a non-road geek friend who was already annoyed with me wanting to stop and examine every little scrap of pavement along the way, so I didn't take the time needed back then to really hunt this down, but armed with a little more time and better data, I am sure that confirmation will happen soon.

CLICK HERE to continue exploring the highway