Goble Tavern

Route 2 / US 30

The Goble Tavern on the Columbia River HighwayClarence E. Mershon. The Columbia River Highway: From the Sea to the Wheat Fields of Eastern Oregon. Portland: Guardian Peaks Enterprises. 2006. 1st Edition. 43.
Goble Tavern 2012Google Street View. Imagery Date: August 2012

Betty Weinberg, GobleTavern.com: About

There is a special quality of "Old Tavern" that lives in the tiny hamlet of Goble. Old guitars and memorabilia adorn the walls there with a lot of assistance from items that wander in from the local residents and the now closed Antique Shop next door. … All that is seen lends to the amazement and darting eyes of all customers.

Even those that frequent the Goble Tavern are constantly searching to see the new items to be viewed. This often spurring conversations; such as, ... "What the hell is that thing? ....A sprocket?" "...A gear?" ...A socket?" "I Give Up....Someone tell me! or..."LOOK...here comes Jerry...I don't care how big that door is...it ISN'T going to fit!"

The Goble Tavern is now owned by Mike Avent and Meryl Head, and has a capacity of about 85 when a band is performing. They have carried on the tradition of decorating the tavern with music paraphernalia of all sorts, one-of-a kind gadgets, and select odds and ends that gives one the perspective of an antique dealer's party room (which isn't far from the truth).

Willie Nelson was a teenager in the area surrounding Goble; his mother used to bartend at the tavern, and Hank Williams did a one-night stand there in the late '40s.

http://www.gobletavern.com/about.html Accessed: November 21, 2022
"This tavern has been through flood and frustration,and still it is here for all to appreciate. " - Betty Weinberg


Goble Tavern Website


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