Windjammer Motor Inn

Windjammer Motor InnGoogle Street View Imagery Date: October 2018

A. F. Litt, April 28, 2020

So this is not a particularly historic building, as far as I know, and I really don't know a whole lot about the entire history of this site, but a friend of mine shared some details about this place while we were out there a few days ago that I wanted to share because it offers a look at a darker side of the history in this part of Oregon.

Apparently, back in the early 1980s, this motel was out of business for a while, and was getting super rundown. The motel was not cleared out when it went out of business, it was just locked up. Some of the more nefarious locals would break in to steal televisions and other items (same with the Astor Hotel, in Astoria).

Worse, though, were the squatters, including a number of heroin junkies. My friend said that it felt more like the 1970s NY heroin scene there than what we generally associate with rural addicts these days.

He was surprised when the property was cleaned up and reopened as a motel, thinking it was too far gone to ever be rehabilitated.

The Windjammer looks like it is in decent shape these days, and it appears to be a nice spot to spend a weekend out at the coast.


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