Raising A Single Pigeon

Raising A Single Pigeon

Raising A Single Pigeon

Raising a single pigeon is no big deal, but if you want to avoid raising a single pigeon, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Try not to get attached to the bird. Remember that it is just an animal, and it is fine for animals to die. It happens all the time in the wild, and often for no reason at all.

2. If you have children, be sure and let them know that this is not their pet. It's ok if they want to help feed it or clean up after it, but they should not think of it as something they own or have any kind of special relationship with. That will just make it more upsetting when the bird dies.

3. Don't name the bird until you are sure that it is going to survive and thrive. Names are powerful things, and if you name the bird and then it dies, that name will forever be associated with death and sadness.

4. The best way to raise a healthy pigeon is by having many pigeons around the house at all times. This method can also help prevent attachment problems because there is less focus on any one particular pigeon at any given time -- instead there are many pigeons coming in and

If you raise a single pigeon, it will probably be fine. It will wander around the house and make cooing noises. It will be social with people. It may even sit on your shoulder.