Is It Hard To Raise Pigeons
Is It Hard To Raise Pigeons?
Is It Hard To Raise Pigeons?
Is it hard to raise pigeons?
Are they a lot of work?
Is there much to learn about them?
Yes, yes, and yes.
I have been raising pigeons for over 25 years now. I have specialized in Racing Homers, but have raised and flown other varieties that were more colorful or just different. I have had as many as 100 birds in my loft and as few as 2 or 3. I have never counted how many birds I have owned since I started, but it has been hundreds. Some of those birds came from very famous lofts and famous fanciers across the country. They were expensive birds and some of them even won races for me!
But, my best birds are those that just seem to do their best every day and give me their all when the time comes to race them. If you are really serious about this hobby, you should search out those kind of pigeons first before you buy any Pigeon "Super Stars" or "Cream Of The Crop". If you get the right type of bird first and learn what makes him tick with regard to his health and breeding habits, then you can add the best blood lines later on if you choose to do so.
One of the most common questions I get, is it hard to raise pigeons? And the answer is no. Pigeons can be kept in small spaces and are fairly easy to care for. Most people have seen pigeons in parks, on roofs or even in their own backyards, but few know much about them. Pigeons are actually quite interesting birds.