How To Raise Racing Pigeons
How To Raise Racing Pigeons
How To Raise Racing Pigeons
With the increasing popularity of pigeon racing, many people have been asking me to write an article on how to raise racing pigeons.
I would like to answer some of the questions I am asked most often.
There are not any special breeds of racing pigeons. There is no such thing as a homing pigeon. All pigeons have the ability to find their way home from almost anywhere.
The rules for raising racing pigeons are fairly simple. They should be kept in a loft that has plenty of ventilation and enough room for them to fly around at least once or twice a day. This will help keep them healthy and in flying condition.
Pigeons need a nest box that is about 12 inches by 12 inches by 24 inches deep (such as a wooden crate) and filled with straw or grasses in which they can lay their eggs and raise their young. The nesting box should be placed on the floor of the loft, or hung on the wall at a height of about 5 feet.
The nesting material should be changed as often as necessary, so that it remains clean and dry. If you have only two pigeons, they will only lay one egg before they start sitting on it; if you have more than two pigeons, they will continue
We all love pigeons,the bird that can fly very high and far. But racing pigeons are a special breed of pigeons that have been bred to be able to fly faster than others.
Racing pigeons are considered some of the most intelligent breeds of pigeon. They are also known for their excellent homing instincts. They have been trained to race from certain locations back to their homes over long distances. This is why they have been so successful as the racing birds.