I Raise Baby Pigeons In My Bathroom

I Raise Baby Pigeons In My Bathroom

I Raise Baby Pigeons In My Bathroom

I raise baby pigeons in my bathroom. i feed them with a dropper when they are young and after they can eat on their own i let them out of the bathroom to fly around my apartment. the birds usually stay in my apartment and land on me or my furniture, but sometimes they fly out the open window or door when i'm not paying attention. it is difficult to keep track of all the birds because they look very similar, but some are distinguishable by small marks on their heads or backs.

i think raising baby pigeons is a good hobby for me because it does not require much effort, which is good for me because i don't like to do things that are too challenging.

i raise baby pigeons in my bathroom

i have to feed them milk with a dropper every 12 hours. they live in a cardboard box that i bought at home depot. the box is lined with paper towels and i put a heating pad underneath it to keep them warm.

every night when i put my head down on my pillow, i try to imagine myself on a beach somewhere. you have to do this if you ever want to sleep.

I raise baby pigeons in my bathroom.

I get them from the local pet food store, which sells live feeder animals for exotic pets. I've been raising baby pigeons for about two years now. At first I only raised them to be released back into the wild, but eventually I began to breed them too. I have a fancy pigeon and a few rollers; the babies are the offspring of these birds.