How To Raise Baby Doves

How To Raise Baby Doves

How To Raise Baby Doves

This is a quick guide to raising baby doves. Raising baby doves is not hard but it can be very rewarding and fun. I have raised hundreds of baby doves and other birds and found them very fun and rewarding.

Doves are not as easy to raise as chickens. They are more delicate and require more attention. They will not do well if they're shut up in a coop in the back yard, or live in a cage. They need to run around, and fly from place to place, or their wings will get weak.

Some people think it's cruel to keep birds caged, but how cruel is it really? Doves like to be with people and seem happy when they're out of their cage. Leaving the door open all day, so they can come and go as they please, is better than shutting them up in the cage, because they can't fly very well while they are still young.

The best way to raise baby doves is on a bottle. Even though they have plenty of food out in the yard, it's good for them to be fed by hand several times a day. If you don't feed them this way you'll miss out on some of the best moments of your life. Doves are so tame that you can even pick them up - and don't forget how soft their feathers are!

At first you may need to teach the babies where their food comes from - just dip their beaks in the milk until they get it.