How To Raise Pigeons As Pets

How To Raise Pigeons As Pets

How To Raise Pigeons As Pets

It is very simple and easy to raise pigeons as pets. Pigeons are friendly and clean birds that can be kept in your balcony or backyard. It is one of the best pets for children that teaches them responsibility. Here are few steps you should follow if you want to keep pigeons as your pets:

1. Buy a cage that is large enough for pigeon to fly and move around freely in it.

2. Buy some food for pigeon from pet store. The food includes corn, oats, wheat, barley and other grains along with pellets of vitamins and minerals specially made for pigeons.

3. Keep fresh water in cage always so that pigeon can drink whenever it likes. Also, put some sand in cage so that bird can take bath in it by taking sand on its feathers by beak.

4. When you will buy pigeon it will be young so you need an adult pair of birds so that they can take care of baby birds when they will grow up and reproduce again after few weeks. Otherwise you have to wait till another baby bird grows up to keep it with young bird otherwise they will become lonely and depressed which will affect their health badly.

5. Some people like to make rings on legs of pigeons so that they can be

Pigeons make great pets. They are affectionate, sweet, and loyal animals. And, they're pretty cute too!

Pigeons are intelligent and social birds that live in cities all over the world. These hardy birds thrive in almost all climates, and they can be found everywhere from farmlands to large cities.